pronunciation exactly

help me in the pronunciation of these words:


finnek (where are you)

imta (when)

mlli (when)

thla f rask

thallay f rask

sallamli 3la …

in english letters:
mlee ?? [i’m not sure of this one, i’m not moroccan]
the next two i’m not 100% sure either but i’m thinking:
t-hella f-rasek
t-halley f-rasik
sallemli 3ala …

hope i helped xD

Tukha u did a great job!!


selmi 3la
selem 3la

awwww thankyou MarocRulz [btw it SO does LOL]
and thanks for the corrections - i LOVE this forum !!! <333
learning so much … yaaay, thanks to you lot, Allah yijzeekum :slight_smile:


Who can explain me the difference (and the exact meaning) between/of:
t-hella f-rasek
t-halley f-rasik


peut-être une différence masculin / féminin… :slight_smile:

Moi je connaissais ces deux formes:
T-hella f-rask (masculin)
T-hellay f-rask (féminin)

mais ma variante au féminin avec rask qui ne change pas est peut-être incorrecte du coup, j’avoue que je ne sais plus… :unsure:

[quote=tukha]awwww thankyou MarocRulz [btw it SO does LOL]
and thanks for the corrections - i LOVE this forum !!! <333
learning so much … yaaay, thanks to you lot, Allah yijzeekum :)[/quote]
ur welcome :smiley:
what was the side comment for?

what d’you mean side comment? :slight_smile:

chukran 3la kolchi

3adi, that’s what everyone’s here for :smiley:

ya the side comment :smiley:

what’s a side comment ?? :smiley: