
:no: can somebody help me with these???:no:pleaseeee…:no:

"i know its hard for you!!! you dont know what will happen there…but i want you relax & enjoy youre vacation…i will be just where you expect me to be waiting & hoping…!!! i will cry coz i cannot help not to…im like that i cannot keep it to my self…but im happy coz you will be with them…i know you miss them so much…so as morroco!!! i will cry but im happy…i love you so


That message is not completed, but I’ll translation

ana 3arf anahoo s3iba 3lik!!! ma3arfach achnou ghadi itra lik tma…walakin bghitek tarta7i ou tmate3i b l3otla dyalek…Fa9at na9dr mni konti katwa93i mni intidar 3ala alamal…!!! Ana nabki la79ach mana9derch n3awen 3ala 3adam…
Ana bhal hadak liman9derch nkhalih l nafssi… walakin ana far7an la79ach anti ghadi tkouni m3ahom… Ana 3arfak twa7echtihom bezaf… Idan bhal lmaghreb!!! ghadi nabki walakin ana far7an… kanbghik bezaf(which Is I love you so much)

Err… first, I think the message is meant to be sent to a man, since it’s Ayah writing it. Second, some parts of your translation are really strange. “Ma nqdrsh 3la 3adam”?! :blink:

Here is my translation:
Ana 3arfa bi2anna had shi s3ib 3lik. Nta ma 3arfsh ashno ghadi ywq3 tmma, walakin bghitk ma tkhmmemsh bzzaf w tstamt3 bl3otla dyalk. Ghadi nkoun fin katetwqq3ni nkoun, ghadi ntsnnak wana kolli amal. Ghadi nbki 7it ma nqdrsh ma nbkish. Ana hkka dayra, ma nqdrsh nkhbbi lmasha3ir dyali, walakin rani fr7ana 7it ghadi tkoun m3ahom. Ana 3arfak tw77shtihom bzzaf w tw77shti lmghrib. Ghadi nbki, walakin rani fr7ana. Kanbghik bzzaf.

3adam It’s in ’ llogha l3arabia ', lihiya Not

@ayah don’t forget to tell us, what did he say

hachi shayii9, khassna ghir popcorn :smiley:

3frt-ha fos7a, walakin ljomla jat fshkl bzzaf!
7tta had ljomla “Fa9at na9dr mni konti katwa93i mni intidar 3ala alamal” ma fhmt fiha walo!

3raft dik ljomla majatch tma, la79ach ljomla lisab9aha hiya bghitek tarta7i ou tmate3i b l3otla dyalek
makaynach alma3na!

Walakin tarjmtha 3la 7ssab dakchi likatbat hiya: I will be just where you expect me to be waiting & hoping

thank you so much…!!!:lol::lol::lol:

im Sure he will be shock…many thanks
so glad i found this forum…BIG HELP!!!:okay:

You’re welcome Ayah :). You can count on us.