lah ikhalih lik yarbi amine May God protect him for you, Amen.
rak nta li kayen f had l face book tbarklah 3lik a
yahya lah ikhaliha likom o darkom o salwa bazefffffffff lah ikhalih liha You’re the one I care about in Facebook, Yahya, may God protect her for you, and your family, and especially Salwa, may God protect him for her.
merci lah yihfadkoum,khatar issam o noura o salwa o mansawch yahya Thank you, may God protect you. Cool Issam, Noura, and Salwa, without forgetting Yahya.
Simo had Noura rah 3chirti o3ziz 3liha Yahya o3ziza 3lih kigoliha Nouna loool oweld khoha saad sghiwer saheb Yahya ohia sahbti loooool hta dkhol msn inkeml lik Simo, Noura is the girl living with me, she loves Yahya so much, and he loves her too and calls her Nouna loool. Her little nephew, Saad, is Yahya’s friend, and she is my friend looool I’ll tell you the rest when you come online on msn.
mabrouk 3wacharkoum kamlin Happy feast to all.
(Not sure what religious feast is referred to here. A past one, or a future one.)
3lina o 3likom For you too.
(As an answer to the above feast greetings=
zinoch dili lah ihajebo o safi My cutie, may God protect him.
A lot of polite expressions, I got lost sometimes as to whom to be protected for whom.