3adi fiha chi haja o dsl ana namhihom ok =
i’ll try to translate:
its normal, is there something bad, and dsl? i’ll get rid of them ok
sorry, i didnt know what dsl was
Almost well done, but thanks at least s.h.a9iza.
the right translation is:
it’s normal, is there something wrong with this? and sorry i’ll delete them ok ?
DSL it’s the abreviation of “désolé” (french word which means i’m sorry).
Catch up guys !
dsl means desole its french and does mean ‘‘sorry’’
hhhhh, thanks very much dafir, i am young but i do not know lhadra ljadida dyal lmgharba, 7choma 3lia :no::^^:
i’m learning in the process of helping others, great!
Aussi, you have excellent english dafir for someone who lives in casablanca
chokran 3awd tani
ow great, we’re both youngs then. and thanks for these nice words, it’s already considered as a compliment.
anyway, i can help you with your little problem, ghadi n3elmek koulchi… matkhafch !!