This short message was left for me on msn, while I was offline. It’s from my aunt, there are a few obvious words at the beginning but I can’t understand the rest. Could you please do a quick translation? Thank you in advance. Here it is:
sa va salame alekoum Nora tate samame alike eta ta de goulake te kalemy mehaha fi telifounne Naima ka da leke chokeranne je t aime Mimi
[quote=myriam]This short message was left for me on msn, while I was offline. It’s from my aunt, there are a few obvious words at the beginning but I can’t understand the rest. Could you please do a quick translation? Thank you in advance. Here it is:
sa va salame alekoum Nora tate samame alike eta ta de goulake te kalemy mehaha fi telifounne Naima ka da leke chokeranne je t aime Mimi[/quote]
my correction: ça va? salam 3alaykom. Nora tatsllm 3lik 7ttâ tatgoulik tetkellm m3aha f tilifone. Naïma katgoul lik shokran. je t’aime Mimi.
my translation: are you fine? hello. Nora greets you and she asks you to call her at phone. Naïma thanks you. i love you Mimi.
We responded at the same time :). Kewl!
Well look, the original message isn’t to be corrected, since it was Myriam’s aunt (a native apparently, but not used to transliterating Darija) who wrote it. I guess that you guys - Kounouz and Bab Bouhaja - misunderstood the ka da leke part. (Kadhalik = too, in MSA). And since there is no punctuation, the last sentence is open to a few interpretations, but I say that it’s the aunt who is saying “thanks” and “I love you”. Sure thing is… Myriam got the whole idea now :).
Thank you very much. I will make sure I phone my little cousin Nora Yes, my aunt is a native Moroccan so her written transliterated Darija may not be too clear, same goes for her French, but all the same Im glad I know what she was trying to say. I did get a hint of what she was saying but was interested to know the exact translation, so thank you all very much. Choukran bzeff.