Translate : hi 3ani keefik inchallah tkooni zwaina, oleeli sho 3amla hatijlisi bil bait ana hafta7 fil net inchallah lama aji il bait ma3 sa3a 7 yemkin 9abil haida hashoof iza magda fadya teeji 3andik nokhrojo sawa.
Thank you
Translate : hi 3ani keefik inchallah tkooni zwaina, oleeli sho 3amla hatijlisi bil bait ana hafta7 fil net inchallah lama aji il bait ma3 sa3a 7 yemkin 9abil haida hashoof iza magda fadya teeji 3andik nokhrojo sawa.
Thank you
-Moved to a separate topic-
sorry this is not darija …
maybe lebanese or syrian
[quote=change10]Translate : hi 3ani keefik inchallah tkooni zwaina, oleeli sho 3amla hatijlisi bil bait ana hafta7 fil net inchallah lama aji il bait ma3 sa3a 7 yemkin 9abil haida hashoof iza magda fadya teeji 3andik nokhrojo sawa.
Thank you[/quote]
This is indeed not Moroccan Arabic, but Levantine Arabic, and it says:
Hello 3ani, how are you? I hope that you’re doing well. Tell me about your plans, will you stay at home? I’ll come online when I go home at 7, or maybe before. I’ll see if Magda is free to come your place, and for us to go out together.
My guess is that 3ani is a name, a feminine one, although I never heard it.
maybe its a typo … 3ini = hun