please one more sorry

zyounat ana ca va. kount chwiya 3iyana had liyamat li fatet walakin daba ca va mieux.
keine ahnung, mein msn spinnt und ich hab eh kein bock es zu reparieren. ich hab skype. bouchra.oualla wir können mal skypen oder so
und wie weit bist du? habt schon geheiratet?( lfddooool) und was machst du so den ganzen tag?

umarmung a hbiba
a bientot

zyounat ana ca va. kount chwiya 3iyana had liyamat li fatet walakin daba ca va mieux.

zyounat(is this a name?), I’m ok, I was a little bit tired/sick these past few days but now I am better.

the rest of it is in german? I don’t know german…hope someone else can jump in…

thank you for you time

zyounat comes from zine which means beauty
yeah we need someone who speaks german to translate the rest

ich hab skype = I have skype

was mascht du
= what are you doing?

  • not 100% sure, but I assume i’m correct *

I don’t speak German but i know some stuff here and there…

I studied German for 7 years at school. But that’s a Looooooooooooooong time ago. Anyway, I’ll put in my two bobs worth (English expression meaning ‘I’ll have a bit of a try’) :

She has a problem with her msn and she can’t get it repaired, because she doesn’t have a ‘bock’, so she suggests using skype instead. And then there is something about getting married ‘geheiratet’.
und was machst du so den ganzen tag ? = and what do you do all day ?

He/she asks if you have already married (si vous vous avez déjà mariés).