slt zen samhi lia bazaf hit kalitak katsanay ana waslt l dar hamdollilah busa =
nn c po grave omar l’essentiel howa anak wsalti en bonne santé et j’espére ke t’a arrivé à résoudre ton prob si nn nta ça va =
chokran a zen sava hmd saraha twahcht sotak wrak 3azete 3lia bazaf waka mab9inach m3a ba3deyatna bazaf rak 3ziza 3lia w tanhtarmak bazaf …BUSA =
merci zin diali c réciproque wlh moi aussi 3zaziti 3lia obezaf mm on a po passé bcp de temps mais je ss la raison car t’es supergentil et je te respecte bcp car tu le mérite aussi reste comme t’es mtn^^lol ah he9a kif tra hta tfakertini hier^^yalah machi mochkil et dsl ila baezatak =
hello beauutiful, sorry coz i kalitak you waiting, i arrived home thank god, kiss.
no it’s okay omar, what’s important is that you got home in good health and i hope that you resolved your problem, otherwise it’s all good?
thanks beautiful, thank God im ok, honestly i missed your voice and you’re so dear to me…(something something), i respect you a lot… kiss
thanks hun, it’s reciprocal (same with me), i swear me too you’re so precious to me even though we didnt spend a lot of time, i know/am the reason why you’re so kind and i respect you a lot coz you deserve it and stay the way you are now ^^ (cute face)… lol ah (something something) ^^ (cute face again) ok not important and sorry if ____you
there you are, i did what i can, someone else can correct me