Could someone please translate this for me into Darija. Your help is very much appreciated
Hello! Sorry if I came across a bit grumpy last night. I was not, I was just tired and actually quite happy to be able to talk to you online, as I did not expect to chat with you at all. And you DID get more quiet lately, don’t deny it…so yes, maybe I missed you, maybe I was a little worried, so what, no big deal, glad you’re doing OK. It’s sometimes tricky talking to you, you being all soft and sensitive and delicate
porcelain boy
but this should help…will give you a call this weekend, OK, so you can tell me about your weekend? Lots of kisses little cowboy, your crazy friend N.
Could someone please translate this for me into Darija. Your help is very much appreciated
Hello! Sorry if I came across a bit grumpy last night. I was not, I was just tired and actually quite happy to be able to talk to you online, as I did not expect to chat with you at all. And you DID get more quiet lately, don’t deny it…so yes, maybe I missed you, maybe I was a little worried, so what, no big deal, glad you’re doing OK. It’s sometimes tricky talking to you, you being all soft and sensitive and delicate
porcelain boy
but this should help…will give you a call this weekend, OK, so you can tell me about your weekend? Lots of kisses little cowboy, your crazy friend N.[/quote]
it seems like a time-sensitive msg so i guess ill give it a shot now that ive had a lol…might already be too late but just in case
this is by no means exact but should get your points across in cha llah.
and im sorry ur just gonna have to insert ‘soft sensitive delicate porcelain boy’ and ‘lil cowboy kisses’ in english cuz i cant/wont write that 2 a dude. not 2 give u advice but i think most dudes dont wanna hear that…esp moroccan dudes 
Slam! sma7 lia ila 7sabtik blli tla’at lia ldam…walou ri kont 3ayana w fr7ana bzaf bach nhadr m3ak f chat, kan s7abli mayimkinch nchato. w t’assombrir asa7bi sure…wakha w tw7achtak, w kont khaifa 3lek, no problem, makein mouchkil, l7amdoullilah wnta 3aich bkheir…sa3ab bach nhadar m3ak, wanta { } lakin hadchi radi ysla7 akhta2i…radia nayat lak fl weekend wakha bach tcharah lia lweekend dialak? { }
Thanks so much! As a matter of fact this did not come too late. But, oh boy, the way you men always stick for each other :))) of course moroccan dudes don’t want to hear they are soft, but that’s why i put it in 
THANKS A BUNCH AGAIN, t’es un prince :))) (i hope this this OK with moroccan men ;))