ana yalla hlemt kunti gels f droj d awl dar dyalk m3a babak
kunti kad hdar wala9in makuntch knsma3 chnu kunti kad gul
howa ken sekt w ken ky9achr 3 d lichines
choftk writo tatouage dyalk
w howa 3tek 1 carton sghire (sorry i dont know what a ceder box is so i just but a small box) w galk b anglais
“ntouma makadchofoch bhal bhal, heya kadchof shems wnta kadchof chta”
w f lwast d lcarton ken 2 … (sorry dont know what a charm is) dahbiyn dyal sensla
chnu keno ?
hmmm i think thats about it lol but id wait for someone else to reply back bcoz i dont know moroccan that great