One word please

euuuuuhhh sara7a machi darouri :smiley: walakin ila mabghatnich nb9a nd7ek 3liha khassha t3ellem zen9awia :stuck_out_tongue:

hahaha zen9awia :stuck_out_tongue:
wakha goul chi7aja bzen9awia…ynchouf wach fhemtha lol

malk katkoutri fia :stuck_out_tongue: ??? baraka matestounay 3lia wla nklachek hhhhhhhhhh

katkoutri? matestounay? nklachek? :huh: whaaaa? lol
ma kan harfch tawa7ed mn had kalimats :stuck_out_tongue:

ewa nti bghiti slang :stuck_out_tongue:

wa arbghit nchouf wach wa3r 3liya wlalla :stuck_out_tongue:

lol wa waaaaaaaaaa3er bezzaaaf lol ana fach mchit lmeghrib had lmerra l9ithom khtar3o chi hdour jdaaaaaaddd b9it ghir 7al fommi :s wellit depassé ana :frowning:

lol meskin :stuck_out_tongue:

kay tra liya tana min kan mchi lbled f taltfrouat, kay hadrou bchel7a w galsa kan chouf fihoum
3a9lt wa7d mra chi mara galsat 7daya w souwlatni “tssin tachl7eyt” jowbt liha “oho” w galsat kat hadr w thadr
w min souktat kan chouf fiha ba7lhaka: :blink:

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh katw9e3li ta ana looll fach kanmchi nzour mes grands parents dima kanl9a dar 3amra b diaf w makayn ghir chel7a kaddour w chi merrat chi wa7ed kayhder m3aya b chel7a kanjawbo b anglais :stuck_out_tongue: bach yjerreb tta howa chwia :stuck_out_tongue: hhhhhh

hahahahahahaahahaha :smiley:
mmi chel7a w men kat hadr biha b7al kat hadr bchinwa :stuck_out_tongue:

soual: wach “lchel7a” fkhatar lmghabara m3 ljil ljedid? wakha tn3arfou ba9i kaynin bzaf dial chabab tyhadrouha w lakin ga3 laghlabia dial as7abi tygoulou la meme 9isa: jdadi tyhadrou blchel7a, wana la…mad anta, wach kta3atabar llogha limazighia lli tyhadrou ton grandparents chi 7aja mohima bach tt3alam f 7ayatak ou trabi atfalak ma3ha (bl idafa ila anglais, espanol, francais, darija, fos7a…yak 7aja sa3ba)


dude ofcourse im not gonna teach them chel7a … for the simple reason that im not chle7

machi chel7a mais ton grandparents tyhadrou llogha…ok, iwa nsit…pues wach chefti ach bghit ngoul ana…llogha lamazighia 7aja mohima llta9afa lmaghribia wlala f raykom come on now

hahhaha i dont care about it … i respect it ok and i respect that imazighen must preserve their culture … but i dont c why i must teach my children that language

of course not amad machi nta get off this thread so someone serious and indigenous can answer :PPP

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok maybe tafoukt
oooooooooohhhhhhhh i miss her :’(
where r uuuuuuuuuuuuuu tafiiiiiiiiiiiii :cry:

tafoukt=cooool wa7ichatna

see mad u scared all the girls :PP

yeah bad strategy :s
we will have only guys here in SM :no:
i’ll try to behave :frowning: i want them back home

me 2 yalla nchoufou 3la adab dialna, 9amisa jdida, nghsalou sinan jjjjjj