daba a hbibti ntia jaya man nafs lwassat li ana jaya meno o darkoum maradich ibghiw lik…o wakha igolo lik wakha diri li 3ajbak heißt nicht dass 100% dabei sind, walakin a bouchra ila ntia had les principes o had din o hadakchi kamlo nicht so wichtig für dich sind oder andres gesagt ila kayban lik deine beziehung m3a hadak taliani hat keinen einfluß auf dein relegion o les principes dialek safi allah i3awnek…diri li ban lik s7i7…lmohim howa khaski t7ati rassek 3la lamkhadda o ijik n3ass o tkouni marta7a
k its been a while so i guess ill give u what i can which will prolly be no help at all
now my dear you’re coming from the same place as me and yall’s house (or family here maybe) is not going to like it…and ok they tell you do what you want heißt nicht dass 100% dabei sind, but bouchra these are the principles and this is religion and all of this nicht so wichtig für dich sind oder andres gesagt if you see that (or if you think that, or if it appears to you that) deine beziehung with this italian even if there are einfluß auf dein religion and your principles and that’s it, god help you, do what you think is right…what’s important is that you can lay your head on the pillow and fall asleep and be comfortable (what we say in english usually: what’s important is that you can sleep at night)