Hi its my first time on here so i hope you can translate some stuff for me. This was some messages that was posted to a photo a friend uploaded.
kanhma9 3la style dyalk a tarik, pose
tarik hta 3tini nmertek rah twehechtekkkkkkkkk looooool mdr
malgiti matswoer ha moul zbal, hahahaha
wach neta **** ***** ma3andek maydar yak lol
nezidek mazal wela ne7chem !
et ***** ****** koulhom
Welcome to the forum. Although you posted your message in the guidelines topic, it doesn’t look like you read them at all.
No problem, anyways. Please introduce yourself in the new members section.
I edited your message because it contained some really rude language. I left the last two sentences although they are bad swearing, but I definitely removed the explicit language.
Will get back to your request later.
Thank you
Hi again !
kanhma9 3la style dyalk a tarik, pose = I am crazy about your style, Tarik. What a pose!
tarik hta 3tini nmertek rah twehechtekkkkkkkkk looooool mdr = Tarik, give me your number, I missed you. LOL - Rofl
malgiti matswoer ha moul zbal, hahahaha = Couldn’t you find someone better to take a photo close to than the garbage collector? Haha
wach neta **** ***** ma3andek maydar yak lol = Don’t you *** have anything to do? Right? LoL
nezidek mazal wela ne7chem ! = Do I add more, or should I refrain?
et ***** ****** koulhom = And all of the ****.
Last two sentences will be sent by e-mail. Too vulgar.
Thank you for translating all this, andim so sorry it was that bad, i never realised it was sooooo bad, thanks again. I will have some more to translate soon,hope it wont be so bad.!
No problem, I am here to filter the bad words :).