Need some translation please!

Could someone please translate these for me? Thank you :slight_smile:

~nsit mangolhalkom ana f dar d julie jedha kan rabak
~azbi tl3oli fkri
~howa ymot w ana mali

~sat ra kan chof nsl7o hadchi li bini w bin julie azbi tma fik kayn problem a lkhawa
~wlah tanban endk

~ou hdr m3aha goliha

  1. i forgot to say it to you i am in julie’s house her grandpa was rabak
    the you is plural (she said that more than 1 people)
  2. written
  3. bitch they made me mad (or making you sick of them because they are annoying)
  4. i don’t care if he dies
  5. pretty sure “sat” was a mistake, also it means: sat i am trying to fix this between me and julie, bitch there is problem, brothers

7. i swear to god i will appear at you
9. and talk to her tell her