Need help with translation please!

A little help with translating this pleaseeeee!

Ah haqqa dwi hta l3emtek rah twehechtek bezaaaaf o dima katssewel 3lik

O hta 3emtek Malika dak nhar mskina galt lik cheft wahed lweld o m3ah bento bhal Aya o galt lik rah 3liha wahed diiim o hessat bwahed lwehcha 3emerha mahssatha

By the way, talk to your aunt because she misses you a lot and she always asks about you, and your Aunt Malika too, as one day she saw a man with his daughter Who looks like Aya, which left her feeling sad and missing you as never before.
Hope this helped :slight_smile:

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Hey, could I bother you for some more help please?

If you have time… thanks

@Zero @Marouane

  1. 3oliya a 3chiri lah yhafdak b9at binatna 170 7ayad manha 30 dyal lyouma t9adya dyal farhqt iu flousa a 3chiri li khdit mam 3andak i9bila b9at 140$ ta9dar a khouya simo ta3tinu manha chu haja rak 3araf daba khouk 0$ kanti 3alti liya ghir iwaslouk flouss ta3tini ou hchamt n3oulha lik a ba simo mais wlah hta ana nachaf kou kanat 3andi wlah manakhodhom a khouya simk

Oui ban ana ba9j fay9 walou n3ass a l3zawi

Bach makan a 3chiri jawbni 9bal matn3ass il a makantich ghadi tji lah yhafdak bach il a makanch 3andak ncjoif mnin ndepanner wakha ghir 70$ binma wsal mardi

  1. Wlah 2rafti rani m9awadha dyal bssah wlah makraht abdou izidni ghi3 nhar ou ghadi n9alab 3la chi hajq khea hit a khouya lea9t tidouz ou daghua iwsal juillet ou mabaghich nbqn dari sghir 9odam dar ou la famille dyal madame

Already translated in the other thread.