necesito traducción, shukran! - please need translation, shukran!

bossat kabirat from me thelay f rasek

mil gracias!

besitos grandes de mi parte … cuidate

big kisses … take care

jsut a note from “thelay”, we can see that the message is said to a girl

thank God for people like you DL, boys don’t focus much on details when translating



I am pretty much sure LA meant only mad by boys… waiting for a confirmation…
either way, I think you’re in trouble, LA…

If you meant all boys, you owe PB some explanations…
if you meant just mad by all boys, then we’ll be a little bit confused thinking that for you Mad is the whole boys specimen :^^:
machakil machakil

PS: of course LA knows I am just teasing… 't’s been a while

loooolllll ok im waitin for the confirmation too :stuck_out_tongue:
bach njawbkom :^^:

ooopssss soghyyyyyy
i meant mad,
and i was high when i said “all boys”… did i even say “all boys?”
ok after looking up i apparently said “boys”
who cares?
back off :stuck_out_tongue:
just another LA speech taken out of context and used to frame her
conspiracy theories much?

PB, all my respects to you bro bows down and chapeau

DL, akhty stop pulling out machakil from nowhere, i come back and people have opened up court cases against me after your deep analysis as a plot to get me fired :stuck_out_tongue:

joiking guys
i need my morning coffee

looooolllllll ive just won some 7assanat i dont want to lose them 3la we7da b7alk :hm:

how? you said bismillah for the first time before you started to eat?
good booooy

hhhh no i didnt kick the first cat that passed near me :stuck_out_tongue:

“we7da b7alek”? 3lach malha LA? Lallat lebnat…

Taking LA’s defense

oh dammit, I just sank in the Mad’s ways… ruining people’s threads… dammit

i didn’t get what you meant with “wa7da b7alek”… are you referring to something already mentioned or are you addressing something else?

referring to mad’s words, he told you he wouldn’t bother with with we7da b7alek = someone like you

ooooooh it’s because i don’t even bother reading what mad wrote properly so i didn’t see it :stuck_out_tongue:
ty for explaining

aaaaaaaaaaaahahah you beat him with this one

but I did notice before actually :smiley:

notice what? that i don’t take him seriously? :smiley:

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh duuuuude i dont take myself seriously :^^: so i never expect that ppl would do :stuck_out_tongue:

I knew it :mad:

This is what happens when big brothers marry & leave the house :fouet: