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-dabri 3lik 3la chi rajel o hannina

Mrigla : literally, comes from French “reglé” i.e to be set (like a clock or a bomb)…
In new Darija, mrigl/la is like to say that you’re such a smart@*$, or that you’re intelligent either ina good or a bad way.

  • Obama had the nobel peace prize while his armies are screwing peace in 3 countries at the same time, he’s mrigl (evil)
  • My uncle left his governement job & started his own project with the money he’s been saving, he’s mrigl (wise)
  • LallaAicha found a bride for her brother, so she can takes over his room after he leaves, she’s mrigla ! (fox/intelligent)

note: we of course use “mrigl/la” to refer to a clock & similar stuff

dabri 3lik 3la chi rajel o hannina = go find yourself a man (husband) & hannina…

couldn’t find an equivalent right now for hannina…

hhhhhhhh awesome examples akhoya!! i like the last one the best xD

allah y7fdek w ybark fik

something like and be happy or and enjoy yourself? for hannina…?

i think mrigl/mrigla in the slang context usually connotes trickiness or craftiness especially…

hannina, is like when u start making noise & i tell you shhhhhhhhhh ! hannina…

its like leave me alone, or keep quite, or let me have some peace or sth

nice i like it chillllllll

hhhhh i like it, can that be said to a male too

yeah, in hanina there’s no specifiction for genders, or u can say either hannina nta or hannina ntiya

greatt, ytoob a sa7by


so im mrigla in all 3 senses
yak a achhhhhhhhh

wa daba n3adi m3aya chi nas
and we become da mrigal forum of all mirgal forums

conditions of joining
check box
mrigal ==== accepted
not mrigal ==== go chill and learn sum



so im mrigla in all 3 senses
yak a achhhhhhhhh[/quote]
jouj min tlata

if i understand, the original meaning of mrigl is clockwork wintia ktdouzi hina f7al sa3a maghribia tik bla tok

[quote=Za3ma]wa daba n3adi m3aya chi nas
and we become da mrigal forum of all mirgal forums

conditions of joining
check box
mrigal ==== accepted
not mrigal ==== go chill and learn sum

bl3aks zyada men hadritik w madritak tkon bzaaaf 3lena

heya bla ma nehdar a ach???

what’s madritak??


i could write an essay what is madritak

and no, machi bla ma thedri, za3ma maktdouzich bzaf bgheinaki hina dima

tik bla tok

rah golt lik
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