Mokhtafoune :P

mokhtafoune is a famous program on 2M ( a moroccan channel ) where ppl can make a short ad lookin for their lost children or husbands or or or

so here we r gonna do the same thing for our lost members :stuck_out_tongue:

here is a part from the program , so that u have an idea about it


i will start with Ouzzani :smiley:

ana Mad kan9eleb 3la sa7bi ouzzani lmol9ab b king perv … tgheyeb 3la forum hadi ch’her te9riban , kheft ykono 9ebtouh fl 7ebs :frowning: kaysewer aflam d madmax … lli chafo wla 3ref 3lih chi khbar , ytassel bya wla ygolha l admin d forum , merci

So it’s fun to make fun of people’s misfortunes :huh:

m’kay ! i’m looking for SimplyMoroccan she’s like this :search:
She was the reason how i found this forum, & now we only see her name on top posters.
If she’s listening i tell her: "if u don’t come out in 24 hours… :bmb: "

The video is sad. It’s always sad to watch heart-broken people look for their loved ones. It’s sad also to see the word “7reg” come up in almost every situation. Those young people are so desperate that they throw themselves, and their families to hell.

Well listen, I think that you made this topic for fun… And let me tell you, I was actually planning to open a “where is the Ouazzani” topic, wellah. I didn’t see the guy around for many days, so I was thinking about a number of hypotheses.

  1. Mad might have dragged him into a meeting, and he made him disappear, to get him out of the competition scene on SM… for some unknown rivalry reasons :no:

  2. Ouazzani have been kidnapped by some drug dealers in Morocco, namely those that were in the photos he published here on the forum. Oh MY God! That means that they are after the Admin now, and LA’s turn will come next!

  3. Ouazzani is just spending his honey money in some poor internet coverage area.

duuuude i know this is sad … but what can we do … mn nhar bda dak moukhtafoune w welaw lmgharba me9ssoumin 3la jouj , ness talef w ness kay9eleb 3lih :S nhar ayl9awhom ay3awdo ytelfo hadok lli kano kay9elbo :smiley:
ila jina nhdro f had blem rah mochkil m3e9eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddd …
ana lli kaysaliw m3aya homa hadok lli jayin kay9elbo 3la bnadem talef f 1971 w jayba tof k7el w byed … tti siri tkemchi d3ilo w sed9i 3lih … raaaaaah 3nd moulah :S

anyway , about what Doudi said looll i was thinkin about send him to an anonyme rendez vous but lame he disappeared 9bel :s

How do you know? The program is getting very famous, and they go investigating everywhere. You never know if the person is dead or not, and people always keep having that little hope.

See, I foresaw that.
He probably got high somewhere and forgot how to get home…
Now that’s a mean joke…

Hmmm and of course we can’t put Gretchen here, because she chose to 7reg.

hahhahahahah i liked He probably got high somewhere and forgot how to get home… loooooooooooooll good one doudi

about gigi yes she chose to burn :smiley:

i thought u were tryin to make us guess

tsss tsss amma let u finish but first here’s my ad

i’m looking for no one, description below
-no one laughs at my jokess
-no one pays attention to me
-and no one is always there for me

if you know him, plz call

@za3ma :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :okay:

za3ma :open_mouth: did u take ur medication today ??? loooll jk
i hope u find that person ur lookin for :wink:


[quote=Madridista]za3ma :open_mouth: did u take ur medication today ??? loooll jk
i hope u find that person ur lookin for ;)[/quote]
mazal, looking for no one to share it with him
be my no one?

[quote=Za3ma][quote=Madridista]za3ma :open_mouth: did u take ur medication today ??? loooll jk
i hope u find that person ur lookin for ;)[/quote]
mazal, looking for no one to share it with him
be my no one?[/quote]
hahahahhahah good joke :smiley:

there really isn’t anyone “missing” here apart 4rm Ouzzani and Gretchen… lol
Other then that we’re all alive and kicking alhamdulilah :hap:

I have just remembered that we have special corner in our forum :wink:

I m just wondering where is Tafoukt ?
…and jjjjj-Za3ma…
…and Darija-lover…
…and our SM Princess :slight_smile:
they were always here… any time you came you could see this guys on the forum

It would be so nice to see them here again … :ok:

i add Gretchen to the list :slight_smile:

who else guys ???

hey! Gretchen is in the list by the way :stuck_out_tongue:

how could you forget her status here ? :wink:

hhhhhhhhhh really??? didnt know she is our princess :stuck_out_tongue: i thought she is the queen

ahh… yes, we are going to ask her abt changing her title then :ok:

so Mad whom you miss really ? :stuck_out_tongue:

ofcourse Darija lover :slight_smile:

You forgot about SimplyMoroccan, & the girl whose nephew is on her avatar, she leaves her place empty eveb after only one day…