Message to my Host Family

Salaam Alaikum! I’m creating a video to thank the family that hosted me while in Morocco and would really appreciate your help translating these sentences. If you’re able to translate it in Arabic letters as well, please, that would be AMAZING! Thank you so much to those able to help; it is much appreciated

“Thank you for welcoming me into your family” =
“And allowing me to experience Morocco” =
“Nothing meant more to me then making rfizza and rghaif together,” =

“playing Kdipche (“you lied” card game)” =

“walking around Mecca” =

and dancing and singing together." =

“ASFAR (a soccer team) is #1 (i.e the best)” =

  1. “Thank you for welcoming me into your family”
  • شكراً لاستقبالي في عائلتكم
  • Shukran liistikbali fi ‘a’ilatikum
  1. “And allowing me to experience Morocco”
  • وشكراً لإتاحة الفرصة لي لتجربة المغرب
  • Wa shukran li’itahat al-fursa li litajribat al-Maghrib
  1. “Nothing meant more to me then making rfizza and rghaif together,”
  • لم يكن هناك شيء أهم بالنسبة لي من صنع الرغيف والرفيسة معاً
  • Lam yakun hunak shay’ aham li minni min san’ al-rghaif wa al-rfizza ma’an
  1. “playing Kdipche (“you lied” card game)”
  • ولعب كدبتي (لعبة الكذب)
  • Wa la’b kdbti (lu’bat al-kidhib)
  1. “walking around Mecca”
  • والمشي حول مكة
  • Wa al-mashi hawl Makkah
  1. “and dancing and singing together.”
  • والرقص والغناء معاً
  • Wa al-raqs wa al-ghina’ ma’an
  1. “ASFAR (a soccer team) is #1 (i.e the best)”
  • فريق أسفار هو الأفضل
  • Fareeq asfar huwa al-afdal

Wow, chukran bzef for your help soufiane_11. This really means so much to me and my heart is full of gratitude for your kindness in taking the time to write all of this out in an organized manner. Thank you so much again.