- how do i know if a word is feminin or masculine ,
here an example :
lma (water)
farran (oven)
someone told me that the words ending with
an a are feminin and the others masculine, is this
right or are the any ways to differ them ?
- what does ‘‘la rire tichokrak lia bzaf’’
actually there is no way to know … there r a lot of feminine words that dont end with ‘‘A’’
but if what u meant is that all words that end with A are feminine , then YES i agree .
‘‘la rire tichokrak lia bzaf’’ = he only says good things about u
la chokra 3ala wajib
yeah i know i dont have to answer but i gotta catch LA in posts so i dont care wuahahahahha
yes 2 catch her waussi bach tflert ma3 koulchi lli mawjoudat
:fouet: shut up duuuuuude … dont confuse me with ur perv *** 
hhhhhhhhhhhh ach (Y) I see u remembered him, right?
hhh yeah its all coming back to me now
ur talkin about LA , right ? :roll:
hhhhh no Mad wrong, we aren’t…
re-read or rakez chouia 
shhhh skouti we dont need him to think we’re talking about him :hap:. 7eit rasso wa7ed camembert kbir.
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sir daba nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn