
is what exactly?

Manich=I’m not. Sometimes manich can be pronounced “Maranich”.

I guess it can mean too “i won’t” (?)
plz get sure first aicha

Simply means “i am not”

Manich = ma + ani (ana) + ch, also said as "manach (m’anash)

It’s also another form of “ana mashi (sth)” i.e ana mashi maghribi —> manish maghribi

Can also mean “i am not + ing” as in talking about future action: ana ma ghadish l maghrib —> manish ghadi l maghrib.
In this case, the “sh” of negative switches from the verb to the “ana” i.e “ma+ana+sh” instead of “ma+ghadi+sh”

Notes: manashay = 3rooby, manashi = shamaly
clear ?

Since I wanted to know too so on my behalf thanks that’s yeah so clear :slight_smile:

and ps Aicha, thnx 4 that question too, i didnt know b4 there’s “manish” in darija… thanks :slight_smile:

I believe it’s more Algerian than Moroccan, we often say “ana mashi” not “manash”

thanks guys, wellah i knew it had something to do with first person, BUTTT i thought it could mean “not to me” since “ni” is used at the end of verbs when “me” is the object of a verb… confusing? forget it. :smiley:

thanks again, you cleared up my thoughts =)

[quote=Gretchen]Since I wanted to know too so on my behalf thanks that’s yeah so clear :slight_smile:

and ps Aicha, thnx 4 that question too, i didnt know b4 there’s “manish” in darija… thanks :)[/quote]
most welcome :wink: