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gigi hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ya rou7 maaaama … 3amlali fiha fatin 7amama

touta :stuck_out_tongue: ok im goin to change my ava and i will put ur pic :stuck_out_tongue: ur real pic , ach banlik ?

lol Touta, it’s right it’s a dream that one day we’ll see him displaying a cute one instead of the ones he displayed before =)
but I don’t agree with u saying “if Mad likes” no sis, he got to like, he should…well, he MUST change it to something cute & he MUST like it :wink:
touta, remember: yes we can :wink:

w heya tegi eih gambi aslan ya3ni :stuck_out_tongue:


Gretchen, u see what’s he sayin ??? looolll

MAD, interestin from where ur goin to get my real pic, huh ?

gigi hahahha ofcourse wala 7aga :stuck_out_tongue:

touta hhhhhhhh ur sure ??? ur sure i cant bring ur pic :stuck_out_tongue:

hahahaha bring urs better so finally we could see MAD’s real image :cool:

what an idea touta =D

mad 3afreet el malayeen :stuck_out_tongue: ur new motto mad, jai 3alik right? :smiley:
but it’s another dream :stuck_out_tongue: iza kont 3reft esmak btlou3 e’rou7 aslan

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ensy ya mama

keda mn awelha!!!
Anyway, that was expected :d :stuck_out_tongue:

bad Madridista :stuck_out_tongue:

both of u r :gun:

yeah, maybe both of us haha but two is better than one :stuck_out_tongue:


!!! … the bug is still here !!!



… as u like lol

hhhhh i know

loooll no no u know nothing … but i know :cool: