Lyrics :P

I would be soooooo grateful if someone could translate the following 4rm a Moroccan song :smiley:

??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ?? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???
??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???
??? ??? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???
??? ??? ??? ???

Shukran bezaf ppl in advance! :slight_smile:

First two lines:

You’re the one with whom my dream will be complete/achieved
I will never like anyone else other than you, you’re the one I am used to, I am used to seeing you by my side

Thanks for that Darija-lover, but what about the rest? can someone help?? :^^:

couple more things but i couldnt get it all, plus i will probably be some wrong… but maybe some1 will see the fresh post oua kmilha!

i am happy when you are happy

i miss you when you’re absent

my heart is yours still it asks

if my love for you can become any more

my mind is ______ you are always in my thoughts

i have no patience until i find you babe? (ghazala)

am i close? help me out native spkrs!!!