L'un ou l'autre?

Haha lol is there really a cola turka or jsut made it up xD?

He stings like a bee and floats like a butterfly…Muhammed Ali :stuck_out_tongue:

Jet Li or Jackie Chan?

walla no lie :smiley: I loooove it, tastes better than bebzi

Jackie CHAAAAN, grew up with his movies man :smiley:

watching a movie at the Cinema or watching it at home?

Hahaha :smiley: if it’s better than bebzi then i have to try it :stuck_out_tongue: i’ll ask the local turkish shopkeepr if they have it xD

Jackie is the king :stuck_out_tongue:

Download the movie and then watch it at home…it’s free that way :stuck_out_tongue:

Hawaii or Pommes? (moroccan sodas)

both are soooo …yes :smiley:

hahaha i was arguing with a moroccan, he was saying that moroccan fanta is better than dutch fanta which is better than turkish fanta lollll

hawai :stuck_out_tongue:

Water or ice?

Loool that was confusing :stuck_out_tongue: but the fanta in morocco is actually better tasting then the one we have in sweden :stuck_out_tongue: It’s more orange the one in morocco

Water the best drink in the world :smiley:

Escargot or frog legs`?

LOLLL beni oui-oui food… eeeewww :smiley:

Rabbit or kitten ?

Rabbit :hap: it just looks soo tasty ueeh can’t understand how ppl can eat dogs & kittens.

Ive tried escargot in Morocco and it was surprisingly good :smiley:

Eat to live or live to eat?

LOL philosophical question :stuck_out_tongue: Eat to live I guess

Money can buy happiness or Money can’t buy happiness? :stuck_out_tongue:

Money can’t buy happiness :stuck_out_tongue:

Ugly and intelligent or pretty with no brains?

It depends :stuck_out_tongue: no but brains comes first of course :stuck_out_tongue:

Cash or Credit?

jiti hhahahahhhahhaha

rugby wla football americain

Isn’t the same?


Chai Latte or Thé à la menthe marocaine?

thé marocaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain

no they r not the same :wink:

chamal wla janoub


Desert wla forest?

Desert =}

River or creek? xD

hahah whats the difference lol

euuhh creek, dnt know why =p

tree or plant?

Hahaha there’s no difference xD

haha u being tricky too :stuck_out_tongue: imma go with the plant xD

Bike or bicycle?



Train or Bus?

Bus all the way

Ahmed Soultan or Cheb Douzi?

ahmed soultaaaaaaaaaaaaan <3

Chocolate or Icecream?