Love poems to man

Hi Salam everyone
I need your help !
Can anyone please give some beautiful morrocan love poems to say to a guy -
that shows how strong he his as a person and I much someone loves him - can y’all write it in Darija & English for me please . Any love poems


أنتا السند ديالي، الراجل اللي نعتمد عليه قلبك طيب وحنين، كيعطي بلا مقابل كاع الدنيا ما تساويش لحظة معاك حبك هو النور اللي كيضوي حياتي


You’re my support, the man I rely on
Your heart is kind and generous, giving without asking
The whole world can’t compare to a moment with you
Your love is the light that brightens my life