Learning Derija - How can i say ....

I would really appreciate if anyone could check over the translations below.

ma dunnitsh billi kunt ganbqi flmaghrib achor khms dyal simanat
i didnt think that i was going to stay in morocco for another 5weeks

wesh kanqdr minhna ntb3 min hna
can i print from here (when in a cyber cafe)

hewa gayrja3 lyoum f lil
he will return in the night

ashmn raqm dyal toubis xssni naxud bash nmshi lmdina
which number bus do i need to take to go to the city?

shnu s3a u anta sud?
what time do you close e.g cafe, cyber etc (no idea about this one! - should it be s3a or waqt??)

shukran bzzzeff!

Do you need your Darija sentences to be corrected? Or you want to see if you understood well someone’s Darija sentences?
I am confused. Which part is the “translation” part that needs to be checked? Darija or English?

The sentences which are not in bold are what i would like translated.

I have made attempts at translating all of them myself, and those are what i have wrote in bold.

Im not sure if they are correct or not. thanks.

Okay, it’s clearer now to me.
My translations are underlined, accompanied with my remarks.

ma dunnitsh billi kunt ganbqi flmaghrib achor khms dyal simanat
i didnt think that i was going to stay in morocco for another 5weeks
Ma dennitch wach kent ghadi nebqa fel maghrib khemsa dial simanat khrin.
Your translation is rather word by word. “Other” comes at the end of the sentence, like I did.

wesh kanqdr minhna ntb3 min hna
can i print from here (when in a cyber cafe)
Neqder netbe3 men hna?
You repeated men hna twice.

hewa gayrja3 lyoum f lil
he will return in the night
Ghadi yerje3 f ellil.
I believe that g is equivalent to my gh. No need to mention the personal pronoun, it’s obvious.

ashmn raqm dyal toubis xssni naxud bash nmshi lmdina
which number bus do i need to take to go to the city?
Ach men toubis khassni nchedd/nerkeb bach nemchi lemdina?
No need to say “bus number”, just ask about the “bus”, and you’ll get the number. And you don’t “take” the bus in Darija, you either ride it, or “grasp/hold” it.

shnu s3a u anta sud?
what time do you close e.g cafe, cyber etc (no idea about this one! - should it be s3a or waqt??)
Ach men weqt/sa3a katseddou?

That’s a great post, very usefull, shukran.

Hello friends ,

I m trying to learn darija for a few days but it is really difficult for me to understand the writings .
Darija can not be written in arabic script???
Looking froward to your reply .

[quote=binti halal]Hello friends ,

I m trying to learn darija for a few days but it is really difficult for me to understand the writings .
Darija can not be written in arabic script???
Looking froward to your reply .[/quote]
Darija can of course be written in Arabic letters. That’s how it’s written on billboards in Morocco.
As far as I noticed on this forum, most people who learn Darija here do not learn the Arabic writing, and rely on transcription.

I will write those sentences in Arabic for you.

i didnt think that i was going to stay in morocco for another 5weeks

Ma dennitch wach kent ghadi nebqa fel maghrib khemsa dial simanat khrin.
[large]?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???[/large]

can i print from here (when in a cyber cafe)
Neqder netbe3 men hna?
[large]??? ??? ?? ???[/large]

he will return in the night
Ghadi yerje3 f ellil.
[large]??? ??? ? ???[/large]

which number bus do i need to take to go to the city?
Ach men toubis khassni nchedd/nerkeb bach nemchi lemdina?
[large]?? ?? ??? ??? ???/??? ??? ??? ???[/large]

what time do you close e.g cafe, cyber

Ach men weqt/sa3a katseddou?
[large]?? ?? ???/??? ???[/large]

??? ???\ ???
May I learn the meaning of the words in above ?
ghadi : is going to ,will?
deyal : days ?
vash : ???

ghadi : is going to . good answer:neu:
deyal : of . for … In the context of the sentence
wach : is what

I wish my translation could help u :hap:

Thx a lot :slight_smile:

with a pleasure :wink: