l7ouma ?

what does l7ouma mean

example: wlad l7ouma

w ana adom souty lsoutek :slight_smile:
I think I’ve heard it before & i’ll be happy to know it too.
Thanks Aisha for asking & thanks for the one who’ll reply in advance :slight_smile:

I don’t know which song you’re talking about, but mine is by a group called “Nastrou” that i found on that wonderful site you linked me to :slight_smile:

I hope someone helps… =)

l7ouma is the neighbourhod
wlad l7ouma are ppl from the same neighbourhood

I’ve forget in which song I’ve heard it, it’s a rap one anyway. You know there was a time when I gave up understanding the lyrics before I found you guys :slight_smile:

Thanks alot bro :slight_smile:

Aicha, I remembered it…It’s in a song called lssan maghribi. In a part he says: lssani lssan wlad l7ouma … lhmoma [taqriban, the rest of the song is missing]
Well, I’m too happy whenever I understand even one word in Moroccan songs I like :slight_smile:

MD, thanks!!!

Gretchen, that’s a diff song, though they’re both rap, mine’s title is wald l7ouma, its soooo nice, you should listen to it too, i couldn’t find it on youtube coz i don’t think they’re that famous so check it out on that site. the group is called “Nastrou”

Yeah different. I’ve heard it in a song called “Lssan Maghribi” by Amine Alkayssar. You can find it in the same site too.
Anyway, Ok I’m gonna check out this Nastrou’s song…Thanks for the recommendation :slight_smile:

You’re welcome :slight_smile: