
ash had shi?

it’s La Khorotologie by the way.

That’s not pure Darija, neither Arabic !

from the word & the letters KH & R i can tell it’s sth like “bull carp / bull S*” , otherwise , sth like & useless phylosophy…

thanks bzzaf !! i saw someone write : j’aime pas la khorotologie (i don’t like khorotology), it sort of makes thing clear

that…is…funny as hell…lkhorotologie…i am going 2 write that down lol


lol well moroccans are masters in making up words, we all do I do and i enjoy it :smiley: some nowadays guys add this “logy” to words like in the above word. “khreet” means lies. khrotology or khreetology means “3ilm al kathib” lol sth silly/funny ppl say when they are being told a lie. It has nothing to do with bullsh** as was stated above.
there is this word that i still dunno what does it mean " ARARA" lol when i heard it was like WTH!!! whenever we learn sth they make up new words again … it’s funny though :stuck_out_tongue:
beslamalogy :confused:

[quote=HeavyGuest]lol well moroccans are masters in making up words, we all do I do and i enjoy it :smiley: some nowadays guys add this “logy” to words like in the above word. “khreet” means lies. khrotology or khreetology means “3ilm al kathib” lol sth silly/funny ppl say when they are being told a lie. It has nothing to do with bullsh** as was stated above.
there is this word that i still dunno what does it mean " ARARA" lol when i heard it was like WTH!!! whenever we learn sth they make up new words again … it’s funny though :stuck_out_tongue:
beslamalogy :/[/quote]
Lies is lkdoub. He lies is kdeb. I lied is kdebt.
You may need to check your sources :hm:… excuse me for the coming words…
khra = (to) sh**. Khreet = I sh**
Did you often use that word meaning that you lied? You probably need to check your msn archives…

[quote=HeavyGuest]lol well moroccans are masters in making up words, we all do I do and i enjoy it :smiley: some nowadays guys add this “logy” to words like in the above word. “khreet” means lies. khrotology or khreetology means “3ilm al kathib” lol sth silly/funny ppl say when they are being told a lie. It has nothing to do with bullsh** as was stated above.
there is this word that i still dunno what does it mean " ARARA" lol when i heard it was like WTH!!! whenever we learn sth they make up new words again … it’s funny though :stuck_out_tongue:
beslamalogy :/[/quote]
beslamalogy does not make sense, following the course of your post… we use the “logy” ending just to make up fake scientific words. Like for example: tkharbeqoulogy (kharbq, to mess, to say nonsense, to do nonsense)
There is is also l3yaqalogy, (3eyeq, to show off in an exaggerated manner)

I never heard about arara… anyone else did?

:ok: what you said is right, even “khret” doesn’t 100% mean lying, but you’re right…you just keep in mind that those words (or at least most of them) are not arabic neitehr Darija, just created word whicj people don’t have to learn , regular Darija is enough for those who cares to learn…they don’t have to stick to our charismatic new dictonaries :rofl:

you can say it means “headache” or “trouble”, for example when you keep talkin about sth that i don’t wanna hear & you cause me trouble in my mind i say : dertiliya l arara :ok: , it has been developed to be “error”, so now you may hear people saying: “darliya l error” , meaning “error” in its literar meaning.

[quote=nadio09]beslamalogy does not make sense, following the course of your post… we use the “logy” ending just to make up fake scientific words. Like for example: tkharbeqoulogy (kharbq, to mess, to say nonsense, to do nonsense)
There is is also l3yaqalogy, (3eyeq, to show off in an exaggerated manner)

I never heard about arara… anyone else did?[/quote]
you’re not Moroccan :blink: :^^:

Because of the first explanation? Or because I don’t know the ararararaarrr word?

Because of the first explanation? Or because I don’t know the ararararaarrr word?[/quote]
Relax ! that was a joke !

you probably don’t live in Casa, cuz most of those words are coming out of it. so maybe you’ve never heard of such things as arara & "sth"logy…

lol ur pretty confused my dear moroccan “friend”, actually i don’t wanna talk abt this stinky topic lol but i guess i have to … the “t” in khreeT is like in the word " Tyara" plane or “Tbib” doctor. so it has nothing to do with the “sh**” word. that’s all i can say, i can enlighten you more abt this topic but I find it kinda inappropriate and I hope :confused:

concerning the beslamalogie thingie, well yeah i agree it doesn’t make sense and so are the "tkharbeeqology or whatever random word you may add that “logy” to. I never claimed it does, did I? :expressionless: I’d make up random meanibgless words sometimes “for fun” and that’s what people do, actually “shakespear was pretty famous with this for example if you rad “King Lear” you’d read " they UNKINGED me”

anyways, it’d be great to discuss this “making up words” sociolinguistically and see the reasons why people do that I mean in case you or any other person is interested.
beslamalogy roftl
ps. unfortunately, i was not the one who invented beslamalogy, lol a friend i know did and he has pwetty intewestin definition to it hehe

wow, i love the discussion, but pleaaaaase people no insulting each other :hap: anywho, i liked the -logie stuff, THANKS A LOT everyone for your input, it really filled up my notebook with new goodies :smiley: but getting to the real point, my friend told me that khorotologie means “rubbish” / “bullsh*t” as said before… i’m sure everyone has their own definition anyway because you can’t expect these kinds of words to have one concrete answer.

To our new members, feel free to introduce yourself in the Newcomers section, please don’t be shy :wink:

Thalla fraskomOLOGIEEEE xD

come on ! not that far :slight_smile: it sounds & a lil “basla” when we cross the limits in creating things :ok:

LEK why you stopping me from being creative :hm:

wqef mn lcrackologie

[quote=LallaAïcha]LEK why you stopping me from being creative :hm:

wqef mn lcrackologie[/quote]
Ok ! 1 to 1 we’re equal Khwanjiya <— remember the word ? its also from the Khorotolized dictionary, cuz there’s no ji/shi in Darija, neither Arabic. you might like to add it to the notebook :slight_smile:

&…about before, though i didn’t insult anybody up there, but you got it boss :wink:

yes! :wave:

no i disagree! respectfully though, cuz i don’t wanna get yelled at by that one scary old lalla
:roll: :ban:

[quote=achminfar9]no i disagree! respectfully though, cuz i don’t wanna get yelled at by that one scary old lalla
:roll: :ban:[/quote]
Coward ! :angel:


:blink: where’s my babouche

i’m not oldddd :cry:

GOT THAT RIGHT! where is the respect hmmm? :fouet:

Anyway i AM joking, don’t run away anybody please… i come in peace, i swear :smiley:

@ PB, iyyeh akhoya i already added the word to my dictionary :wink: