kan7etha, cheffar.... etc

tarjamli 3afakom :slight_smile:

  • kan7etha…

  • cheffar (context: wellit cheffar)

  • kancheferha (similar to above i think)

cheffar - theif (masc.)
kancheferha - i steal it / kanchefer - i steal

had rajil cheffer liya sabati - this man stole my shoes

i’m positive on my answer…

(no idea about the first one) :stuck_out_tongue:

loooooooool thanks so much, i had nooooo idea it would mean this :smiley: ty ty ty bzzzzaf

no problem lalla :smiley: anytime…

srq is also another word for stole, just lettin yah know :wink:

yeah i know of sra9, like in sra9 zit (oil thief ie. cockroach) :smiley: thanks walla!

hahaha good one :smiley:


lol im not the one who invented it, it’s you guys, so barakallahu fikoum!! :smiley:

hahaha :wink: well its still a good one!

if you say so :stuck_out_tongue:


Kan7etha = i put it down, i put it, i place it, i park it, i enter it, i leave it (somewhere), i install it…& so on

unless if it’s a totally different context and the verb is n7et (to sculpture) instead of 7et (to put)
just for your info


Kan7etha = i put it down, i put it, i place it, i park it, i enter it, i leave it (somewhere), i install it…& so on[/quote]

i was reading the word wrong the whole time, now i feel stupid :stuck_out_tongue: lol

chukran zzzeeeeef guys :wink: