machi ana hadik
ana zweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeena
ktaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar menha
yes me too i delete them … if u wanna send me an email matjme3nich m3a che3b
welcome back sister
7etta ana tanebghi el vip treatment
za3ma l3ilaj elvippiwwi
wa faaaaaaaaaaayn a mad!!!
VIP ??? ze3ma Very Idiot Person ??? hhhhh ok je voi de koi tu parles lol
non ana machi b7alk ds ce cas la
hhhhhhhhhhh @ Very Idiot Person
der dats btta
thnx mini
ps- plz change ur profile pic
N Why isat? I lyk it ama search 4 anova scary emo one nywayz u chnage urs dat weird faced boy has had his time in da lime light lol
ok change urs n ill change mine
you two remind me of… :^^: not gonna say it for mini’s sake
both of you change it, chimown. :bounce:
yes 7abibty i remind u of u of wen u fight wid mad, i know i know
fine ill change it but u btta change urs or ama change it bak
jjjjj that’s not actually what i was going to say but i promised you to keep my mouth shut and imma keep that promise
Life’s a Witch -lol- cute, but it needs some colour
I know I know m3leich
Don’t be silly hun u can say wateva u want ill just let it blow me by I think its cute, greyish but cute doubt ill have it 4 long tho
lolll ok im loookin for a new pic
Ya rabbi!! :blink: Mad change ur pic right now its revoltin!! :yuck: Come on dude! Now I wish dat weird boy was back :hm:
Nice siggy :hap: good thing it aint referrin 2 u
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry i cant find the old pic :S
im still lookin
Lol of all da avatars in da world u went n chose dat 1 lol
duuuude that was my hobby when i was child … well maybe even now who knows hhhhhhhh
oh god lyk dis avatar is any btta :no: cant u choose sth nice? or sth typical lyk a car lol
hhhhhhhhhhhh no sorry cars remind me of chicks