in desprate need of translation

I am going to be completely up front…my husband has a tendancy of ‘getting to know other women online’ I need to know what I am dealing with here. Can anyone translate this and help me know if it is a woman or man that he is talking with. I know this is personal…but, I cannot continue to live like this. I know there is a ton here… maybe just translate enough that it is obvious to me if he is talking with a man or woman. You have no idea how much this means!!! Thanks!!!

[12:37:58 PM] [1068283479]> ?
[12:38:06 PM] [694656961]> alam alikom
[12:38:13 PM][694656961]> ramadan moubarak
[12:38:19 PM] [1068283479]> wa3alikom salam
[12:38:40 PM][1068283479]> merci lah ibarak fik o ramadan mobarak lik
[12:39:09 PM] [694656961]> iwa kif 3amla m3a ramadan
[12:39:23 PM] [1068283479]> hamdolilah 3la kol hal
[12:39:39 PM] [694656961]> hamdo li allh
[12:40:03 PM] [1068283479]> onta kirak mzyan ?
[12:40:23 PM] [694656961]> mlihhamdo li allh
[12:40:49 PM] [1068283479]> yakma mat9darch thdar ola haja
[12:42:03 PM] [694656961]> momkin da7li b chi smya bhal dari ola haja
[12:42:04 PM] [694656961]> lol
[12:42:13 PM] [1068283479]> ok
[12:42:23 PM] [1068283479]> machi mochkil wlah
[12:42:35 PM] [694656961]> l3az
[12:42:38 PM] [1068283479]> ratsna wahd 5 min
[12:43:39 PM] [694656961]> ok
[12:45:44 PM] [1068283479]> man9darch nsifat lik invitacion
[12:46:13 PM] [694656961]> 3lach
[12:47:43 PM] [1068283479]> hit f recherche li kandir makatkhroch smaytak aban 3ami
[12:47:44 PM] [1068283479]> lol
[12:48:07 PM] [694656961]> mochkil hada abn 3ami
[12:48:25 PM] [1068283479]> oui kbir
[12:48:47 PM] [694656961]> lmohim ichta9na ilaykom
[12:48:50 PM] [694656961]> abn 3ami
[12:48:54 PM] [1068283479]> mmmm
[12:49:01 PM] [694656961]> o bzayad
[12:49:38 PM] [1068283479]> 3liha 4 chhor hadi la has la khbar
[12:50:32 PM] [1068283479]> dakhal 3andak had smiya Roberto Valls
[12:50:36 PM] [694656961]> wellah ila ri m3a l7dma
[12:50:46 PM] [1068283479]> lol lkhadma
[12:51:45 PM] [1068283479]> za3ma lkhadma katchad bnadam 3la naso
[12:53:27 PM] [694656961]> no ri 3ad dart wahad rochirch f facebook o 3ta lya had facebook
[12:53:31 PM] [694656961]> hada makan
[12:53:59 PM] [1068283479]> mmmm
[12:54:20 PM] [694656961]> dik smya 3tatni bezaf
[12:54:55 PM] [1068283479]> fiha 2 drari
[12:55:33 PM] [694656961]> 1m
[12:56:28 PM] [694656961]> d7altha
[12:57:26 PM] [1068283479]> oui chaftak

this continuation could be the same person as above…it changed from a girl’s name to a man’s*****

[100000444057445] Wed, Aug 25, 12:56:55 PM
[12:56:55 PM] [100000444057445]> hi
[12:57:39 PM] [694656961]> wech abn 3ami
[12:57:54 PM] [100000444057445]> iwa ha hna
[12:58:04 PM] [100000444057445]> 3aychin b maktab lah
[12:58:24 PM] [694656961]> hamdo li allh
[12:58:33 PM] [100000444057445]> hamdolilah
[12:58:34 PM] [694656961]> ki dayar jo d ramdan tema
[12:58:52 PM] [100000444057445]> mabayanch ga3
[12:59:14 PM] [694656961]> aw
[12:59:20 PM] [694656961]> z3ma za3ma
[12:59:24 PM] [100000444057445]> o tma?
[12:59:27 PM] [694656961]> wahad lfamila ca va
[12:59:28 PM] [100000444057445]> walo
[12:59:36 PM] [694656961]> lwalida lwalid somya yousef
[12:59:42 PM] [100000444057445]> hamdolilah ca va
[1:00:00 PM] [100000444057445]> kolchi mzyan iswal fik lkhir
[1:00:31 PM] [100000444057445]> chhal 3andkom f sa3a daba?
[1:00:44 PM] [694656961]> 1.00
[1:00:46 PM] [694656961]> ntoma
[1:00:47 PM] [694656961]> 5
[1:01:01 PM] [100000444057445]> nn 19h00
[1:01:22 PM] [694656961]> ah
[1:01:33 PM] [694656961]> mab9a walo o t7chi f lawjah
[1:01:44 PM] [100000444057445]> hhhhhh
[1:01:58 PM] [100000444057445]> oui o chi whdin yalah galo bismilah
[1:02:22 PM] [694656961]> ok n7lik
[1:02:28 PM] [694656961]> t7chi f lwjah
[1:02:32 PM] [694656961]> ana ri hna
[1:02:46 PM] [100000444057445]> ana masaymach lol
[1:02:58 PM] [694656961]> ah
[1:03:03 PM] [694656961]> lol
[1:03:06 PM] [694656961]> allah i9bal
[1:03:19 PM] [100000444057445]> fin ratmchi?
[1:03:39 PM] [694656961]> walo ri galt na3tik lwa9t bach t7chi flwjah
[1:04:02 PM] [100000444057445]> ah lhadra m3ak hsan mn lmakla a39a
[1:04:29 PM] [694656961]> ah
[1:04:35 PM] [694656961]> 3lik o tfo 3la lmalik
[1:04:36 PM] [100000444057445]> ila knti mamrtahch golha lya onhadro mn ba3d ila briti
[1:04:57 PM] [100000444057445]> 3lach awili?
[1:05:55 PM] [694656961]> abn 3ami
[1:06:01 PM] [694656961]> twahachtak ta ana
[1:06:03 PM] [694656961]> o bzayad
[1:06:07 PM] [694656961]> man3awadch lik
[1:06:14 PM] [100000444057445]> mmmm
[1:06:22 PM] [100000444057445]> bayan lol
[1:06:42 PM] [100000444057445]> 4 chhor wana kan9lab 3lik bhal lmsatya
[1:06:44 PM] [694656961]> bayna bayn ntya charika
[1:06:55 PM] [694656961]> z3ma
[1:07:01 PM] [694656961]> allah ij3alni nti9
[1:07:34 PM] [100000444057445]> b sam dyalak hta tsawar makhlitina nchofohom f l facebook
[1:08:09 PM] [694656961]> lol
[1:08:12 PM] [694656961]> mrahba
[1:08:35 PM] [100000444057445]> achno fkrak bina had nhar aban 3ami

That was their first conversation… they talk for hours every day now. this is yesterday…

[4:31:44 PM] [100000444057445]> oui bsah
[4:32:18 PM] [100000444057445]> ana 3titha lwahad lwald 3ando hanout taht dar o gltlih i3tiha lchi had
[4:33:22 PM] [694656961]> no
[4:33:32 PM] [694656961]> had lmra siftiha ldar ohoma itsrfo
[4:33:43 PM] [100000444057445]> ok amran wa ta3a
[4:34:40 PM] [100000444057445]> mn khemisset ta howa
[4:35:35 PM] [694656961]> oui
[4:35:40 PM] [100000444057445]> ok
[4:35:43 PM] [694656961]> 3lach 3jbak
[4:35:49 PM] [100000444057445]> la awili
[4:35:50 PM] [100000444057445]> hhhhh
[4:36:05 PM] [100000444057445]> hit sifat lya f facebook o swaltak
[4:36:17 PM] [100000444057445]> alhma9
[4:36:33 PM] [100000444057445]> wlah ma3jabni wala ray3jabni chi had mn ghirak
[4:36:56 PM] [694656961]> iwa man3raf
[4:37:19 PM] [100000444057445]> tatghiro 3lina za3ma
[4:37:49 PM] [694656961]> 3la malna hma9
[4:37:52 PM] [694656961]> z3ma
[4:38:04 PM] [100000444057445]> yak
[4:38:12 PM] [100000444057445]> 39al fiha
[4:38:33 PM] [100000444057445]> rtahiti chwia daba
[4:38:51 PM] [694656961]> ri kanzid
[4:39:04 PM] [100000444057445]> hhhh 3lachhh
[4:39:23 PM] [100000444057445]> awili hna baryinkom tna9so machi tzido
[4:39:55 PM] [694656961]> allah irdi 3lik hada mangolik
[4:40:22 PM] [694656961]> ana wahad chwya ranmchi abn 3ami kankon blil ila drabti chi tala m3a dik 9.30 10
[4:40:41 PM] [100000444057445]> ok aban 3ami
[4:41:01 PM] [100000444057445]> thala f rasak bzaf o matnsawnach
[4:41:13 PM] [100000444057445]> rakom f lgalb
[4:41:24 PM] [694656961]> allah irdi 3lik abn 3ami
[4:41:40 PM] [694656961]> ila mat9ach3nach alaska insha allh
[4:41:50 PM] [694656961]> gtilifon
[4:41:51 PM] [100000444057445]> inchalah
[4:41:58 PM] [100000444057445]> abo khnona
[4:41:59 PM] [694656961]> ran3yat lik
[4:42:03 PM] [694656961]> la illah ila allh
[4:42:14 PM] [100000444057445]> wana rantsana 3ala ahari mni ljamar
[4:42:33 PM] [694656961]> allh iftha f wajhak
[4:42:36 PM] [694656961]> o irdi 3lik
[4:42:45 PM] [694656961]> la illah ila allh
[4:42:54 PM] [100000444057445]> amin o 3lik ya rbi o matb9ach m9ala9 3afak
[4:42:58 PM] [694656961]> thlay f slatak allh irdi 3lik 3zak f dinak
[4:43:00 PM] [100000444057445]> mohamad rasoul lah
[4:43:15 PM] [694656961]> wellah ila mrtah daba hamdo li allh
[4:43:24 PM] [100000444057445]> hamdolah
[4:43:33 PM] [100000444057445]> hit rtahiti
[4:43:40 PM] [100000444057445]> abo khnona
[4:43:47 PM] [694656961]> allah irdi 3lik
[4:44:19 PM] [100000444057445]> chkon kan ihyad lik khnona mn nifak
[4:44:38 PM] [694656961]> sb3a bent sba3
[4:44:51 PM] [100000444057445]> yalha alah ma3ak
[4:45:16 PM] [100000444057445]> matkhonich lol
[4:45:36 PM] [100000444057445]> m3a mratak hanya m3a wahda khora la

Hey !

he’s talking to a woman, probably his cousin because sometimes she calls him like that. Anyway it’s been a long time (4months) they haven’t talked and I don’t think there is anything serious between them.

Hey ! I had the exact same problems with my ex, always online talking to someone and i couldn’t understand a word of what he was saying… I cant help you, but to tell you I UNDERSTAND , and if you need it i can ask a friend to translate it for you

Thanks so much for looking at my message. Please note that there are 3 different conversations attached and that I am trying to figure out if the first person and second and third person are the same. Just that they changed ID names to confuse me. If you read it all you will see that it has not been months since they have talked but that these are very recent messages…the last one is from this week.
Thank you for your time and effort on my behalf!!!

…I am so silly… .I sent both people emails that answered me but I have no idea how to retrieve emails from this site. If you want just send your answer to Thanks!!

Thanks so much for looking at my message. Please note that there are 3 different conversations attached and that I am trying to figure out if the first person and second and third person are the same. Just that they changed ID names to confuse me. If you read it all you will see that it has not been months since they have talked but that these are very recent messages…the last one is from this week.
Thank you for your time and effort on my behalf!!!

[12:37:58 PM] [1068283479]> ?
[12:38:06 PM] [694656961]> alam alikom = peace be upon you
[12:38:13 PM][694656961]> ramadan moubarak = i wish youa blessed ramadan
[12:38:19 PM] [1068283479]> wa3alikom salam = & upon you be peace
[12:38:40 PM][1068283479]> merci lah ibarak fik o ramadan mobarak lik = thanks, Allah blesses you & blessed ramadan to u too.
[12:39:09 PM] [694656961]> iwa kif 3amla m3a ramadan = so, how r u (to a female) doing with ramadan
[12:39:23 PM] [1068283479]> hamdolilah 3la kol hal = thanks to Allah anyway
[12:39:39 PM] [694656961]> hamdo li allh = thanks to Allah
[12:40:03 PM] [1068283479]> onta kirak mzyan ? = & you, are u doing well ?
[12:40:23 PM] [694656961]> mlihhamdo li allh = thanks to Allah
[12:40:49 PM] [1068283479]> yakma mat9darch thdar ola haja = r u having problems talking freely or sth ?
[12:42:03 PM] [694656961]> momkin da7li b chi smya bhal dari ola haja = can u log in with a male name or sth ?
[12:42:04 PM] [694656961]> lol
[12:42:13 PM] [1068283479]> ok
[12:42:23 PM] [1068283479]> machi mochkil wlah = no problem
[12:42:35 PM] [694656961]> l3az
[12:42:38 PM] [1068283479]> ratsna wahd 5 min = just wait 5 min
[12:43:39 PM] [694656961]> ok
[12:45:44 PM] [1068283479]> man9darch nsifat lik invitacion = i can’t send u an invitation
[12:46:13 PM] [694656961]> 3lach = why ?
[12:47:43 PM] [1068283479]> hit f recherche li kandir makatkhroch smaytak aban 3ami = because i don’t get your name when i search “my cousin”
[12:47:44 PM] [1068283479]> lol
[12:48:07 PM] [694656961]> mochkil hada abn 3ami = this is a problem cousin.
[12:48:25 PM] [1068283479]> oui kbir = yes a big one.
[12:48:47 PM] [694656961]> lmohim ichta9na ilaykom = anyway…we missed you
[12:48:50 PM] [694656961]> abn 3ami = cousin
[12:48:54 PM] [1068283479]> mmmm
[12:49:01 PM] [694656961]> o bzayad = & more
[12:49:38 PM] [1068283479]> 3liha 4 chhor hadi la has la khbar = so that’s why i got nth from you since 4 months
[12:50:32 PM] [1068283479]> dakhal 3andak had smiya Roberto Valls = add this “Roberto Valls”
[12:50:36 PM] [694656961]> wellah ila ri m3a l7dma = i’m just busy with work
[12:50:46 PM] [1068283479]> lol lkhadma = lol work !
[12:51:45 PM] [1068283479]> za3ma lkhadma katchad bnadam 3la naso = wanna tell me work takes people from their families/people
[12:53:27 PM] [694656961]> no ri 3ad dart wahad rochirch f facebook o 3ta lya had facebook = it’s not that, but i’ve just made a favebook search & i found this one (of yours)
[12:53:31 PM] [694656961]> hada makan = that’s it
[12:53:59 PM] [1068283479]> mmmm
[12:54:20 PM] [694656961]> dik smya 3tatni bezaf = the name u gave me gives a lot or results
[12:54:55 PM] [1068283479]> fiha 2 drari = & there’s 2 males
[12:55:33 PM] [694656961]> 1m
[12:56:28 PM] [694656961]> d7altha = i’ve added it
[12:57:26 PM] [1068283479]> oui chaftak = yes i’m seeing you now

this continuation could be the same person as above…it changed from a girl’s name to a man’s*****

[100000444057445] Wed, Aug 25, 12:56:55 PM
[12:56:55 PM] [100000444057445]> hi
[12:57:39 PM] [694656961]> wech abn 3ami = cousin
[12:57:54 PM] [100000444057445]> iwa ha hna = so , here we are
[12:58:04 PM] [100000444057445]> 3aychin b maktab lah = living with what Allah destined for us
[12:58:24 PM] [694656961]> hamdo li allh = thanks to Allah
[12:58:33 PM] [100000444057445]> hamdolilah = thanks to Allah
[12:58:34 PM] [694656961]> ki dayar jo d ramdan tema = how is the ambiance of Ramadan there
[12:58:52 PM] [100000444057445]> mabayanch ga3 = no ambiance at all
[12:59:14 PM] [694656961]> aw = really ?
[12:59:20 PM] [694656961]> z3ma za3ma = if u say so
[12:59:24 PM] [100000444057445]> o tma? = how about there ?
[12:59:27 PM] [694656961]> wahad lfamila ca va = how is the family
[12:59:28 PM] [100000444057445]> walo = nothing
[12:59:36 PM] [694656961]> lwalida lwalid somya yousef = father, mother, soumia & youssef
[12:59:42 PM] [100000444057445]> hamdolilah ca va = thanks to Allah, good.
[1:00:00 PM] [100000444057445]> kolchi mzyan iswal fik lkhir = all are good thanks so much
[1:00:31 PM] [100000444057445]> chhal 3andkom f sa3a daba? = what time is it where u r now ,
[1:00:44 PM] [694656961]> 1.00 = 1.00 pm
[1:00:46 PM] [694656961]> ntoma = & you ?
[1:00:47 PM] [694656961]> 5 = 5 pm
[1:01:01 PM] [100000444057445]> nn 19h00 = no it’s 19.00 pm
[1:01:22 PM] [694656961]> ah = yeah
[1:01:33 PM] [694656961]> mab9a walo o t7chi f lawjah = only few moments to break the fast
[1:01:44 PM] [100000444057445]> hhhhhh = (laughing)
[1:01:58 PM] [100000444057445]> oui o chi whdin yalah galo bismilah = & some others has just done that
[1:02:22 PM] [694656961]> ok n7lik = ok, i’ll leave u now
[1:02:28 PM] [694656961]> t7chi f lwjah = so u can eat
[1:02:32 PM] [694656961]> ana ri hna = i’m still here
[1:02:46 PM] [100000444057445]> ana masaymach lol = i’m not fasting
[1:02:58 PM] [694656961]> ah = yeah
[1:03:03 PM] [694656961]> lol
[1:03:06 PM] [694656961]> allah i9bal = may Allah accepts
[1:03:19 PM] [100000444057445]> fin ratmchi? = where r u going
[1:03:39 PM] [694656961]> walo ri galt na3tik lwa9t bach t7chi flwjah = nowhere, just thought to give u a time to break the fast
[1:04:02 PM] [100000444057445]> ah lhadra m3ak hsan mn lmakla a39a = talkin to you is better than eating
[1:04:29 PM] [694656961]> ah
[1:04:35 PM] [694656961]> 3lik o tfo 3la lmalik = :yuck: :huh: :blink:
[1:04:36 PM] [100000444057445]> ila knti mamrtahch golha lya onhadro mn ba3d ila briti = if u r not feeling comfortable just tell me, & we can talk later.
[1:04:57 PM] [100000444057445]> 3lach awili? = no, why ?
[1:05:55 PM] [694656961]> abn 3ami = cousin
[1:06:01 PM] [694656961]> twahachtak ta ana = i missed you too
[1:06:03 PM] [694656961]> o bzayad
[1:06:07 PM] [694656961]> man3awadch lik = i can’t tell you
[1:06:14 PM] [100000444057445]> mmmm
[1:06:22 PM] [100000444057445]> bayan lol = it’s clear
[1:06:42 PM] [100000444057445]> 4 chhor wana kan9lab 3lik bhal lmsatya = it’s been 4 months i’m looking for you like a crazy
[1:06:44 PM] [694656961]> bayna bayn ntya charika = clear clear
[1:06:55 PM] [694656961]> z3ma
[1:07:01 PM] [694656961]> allah ij3alni nti9 = i wish i can believe
[1:07:34 PM] [100000444057445]> b sam dyalak hta tsawar makhlitina nchofohom f l facebook = you’re so silly that u didn’t leave me a chance to see ur pics on facebook
[1:08:09 PM] [694656961]> lol
[1:08:12 PM] [694656961]> mrahba = u r welcome
[1:08:35 PM] [100000444057445]> achno fkrak bina had nhar aban 3ami = what reminded you in us today cousin ?

That was their first conversation… they talk for hours every day now. this is yesterday…

[4:31:44 PM] [100000444057445]> oui bsah = yeah, true
[4:32:18 PM] [100000444057445]> ana 3titha lwahad lwald 3ando hanout taht dar o gltlih i3tiha lchi had = i gave it to a boy who has a shop under the house & told him to give it to someone
[4:33:22 PM] [694656961]> no
[4:33:32 PM] [694656961]> had lmra siftiha ldar ohoma itsrfo = next time send it home & they’ll know what to do with it
[4:33:43 PM] [100000444057445]> ok amran wa ta3a = ok, as u ordered
[4:34:40 PM] [100000444057445]> mn khemisset ta howa = is he also from Khmissat
[4:35:35 PM] [694656961]> oui = yes
[4:35:40 PM] [100000444057445]> ok
[4:35:43 PM] [694656961]> 3lach 3jbak = why ? u liked him ?
[4:35:49 PM] [100000444057445]> la awili = no, what r u saying
[4:35:50 PM] [100000444057445]> hhhhh
[4:36:05 PM] [100000444057445]> hit sifat lya f facebook o swaltak = because he sent me on facebook, & i asked u
[4:36:17 PM] [100000444057445]> alhma9 = crazy
[large][4:36:33 PM] [100000444057445]> wlah ma3jabni wala ray3jabni chi had mn ghirak = i never liked him nor i 'll ever like anyone but you.[/large]
[4:36:56 PM] [694656961]> iwa man3raf = i don’t know
[4:37:19 PM] [100000444057445]> tatghiro 3lina za3ma = u r jealous
[4:37:49 PM] [694656961]> 3la malna hma9 = i’m not crazy
[4:37:52 PM] [694656961]> z3ma
[4:38:04 PM] [100000444057445]> yak
[4:38:12 PM] [100000444057445]> 39al fiha
[4:38:33 PM] [100000444057445]> rtahiti chwia daba =
[4:38:51 PM] [694656961]> ri kanzid
[4:39:04 PM] [100000444057445]> hhhh 3lachhh
[4:39:23 PM] [100000444057445]> awili hna baryinkom tna9so machi tzido
[4:39:55 PM] [694656961]> allah irdi 3lik hada mangolik
[4:40:22 PM] [694656961]> ana wahad chwya ranmchi abn 3ami kankon blil ila drabti chi tala m3a dik 9.30 10
[4:40:41 PM] [100000444057445]> ok aban 3ami
[4:41:01 PM] [100000444057445]> thala f rasak bzaf o matnsawnach
[4:41:13 PM] [100000444057445]> rakom f lgalb
[4:41:24 PM] [694656961]> allah irdi 3lik abn 3ami
[4:41:40 PM] [694656961]> ila mat9ach3nach alaska insha allh
[4:41:50 PM] [694656961]> gtilifon
[4:41:51 PM] [100000444057445]> inchalah
[4:41:58 PM] [100000444057445]> abo khnona
[4:41:59 PM] [694656961]> ran3yat lik
[4:42:03 PM] [694656961]> la illah ila allh
[4:42:14 PM] [100000444057445]> wana rantsana 3ala ahari mni ljamar
[4:42:33 PM] [694656961]> allh iftha f wajhak
[4:42:36 PM] [694656961]> o irdi 3lik
[4:42:45 PM] [694656961]> la illah ila allh
[4:42:54 PM] [100000444057445]> amin o 3lik ya rbi o matb9ach m9ala9 3afak
[4:42:58 PM] [694656961]> thlay f slatak allh irdi 3lik 3zak f dinak
[4:43:00 PM] [100000444057445]> mohamad rasoul lah
[4:43:15 PM] [694656961]> wellah ila mrtah daba hamdo li allh
[4:43:24 PM] [100000444057445]> hamdolah
[4:43:33 PM] [100000444057445]> hit rtahiti
[4:43:40 PM] [100000444057445]> abo khnona
[4:43:47 PM] [694656961]> allah irdi 3lik
[4:44:19 PM] [100000444057445]> chkon kan ihyad lik khnona mn nifak
[4:44:38 PM] [694656961]> sb3a bent sba3
[4:44:51 PM] [100000444057445]> yalha alah ma3ak
[4:45:16 PM] [100000444057445]> matkhonich lol
[4:45:36 PM] [100000444057445]> m3a mratak hanya m3a wahda khora la

This got me tired, i’ll perhaps continue it later !!!

Thank you so much!!! OMG!!

I’m sorry to say this but he is talking to another woman and pretending it’s his cousin and also hiding it from you by making her and Male on Facebook as a friend I’m sorry it’s very clear probably an exgirlfriend.