I am... I am not...

Assalamu alaikum

I enjoy life,my friends and my family

[quote=habrifaqir]Assalamu alaikum

I enjoy life,my friends and my family[/quote]
The game is about making statements starting with I am, or I am not, one after another. As it’s your turn now, you should say “I am not…”

Assalamu alaikum

I am not tall

I am impatient! :slight_smile:

Assalamu alaikum

I am not happy in crowds

I am lazy sometimes :frowning:

Assalamu alaikum

I am not tolerant

I’m tired :sleep:

I’m not disapointed by my travel to Morocco. :slight_smile:

I’m jealous :lol: :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not unconcerned :hap:

i am a mom…:wistle:

I am not interseted :stuck_out_tongue:

I am about to start a new semester :roll:

I am not in the mood of studying

I am not quite sure I understand this game

I am wanting to play though…

Sooo I am not gonna let an explanation go unappreciated ?? :wink: [pleaseee] :smiley:

Hi tukha you have to start a sentence with “I am” and the next person starts a sentence with “I am not”
c’est simple! :smiley:

YOU LOST !! :stuck_out_tongue:
LOL just kidding :wink:
i am soooooo cooool :smiley:

ah ok :lol:

but you started the first sentence with “I am not” instead of “I am” while the person before you started it with “I am not”

So I WIN YOU LOSE HAHAHA :stuck_out_tongue: