Here is a nice video I found for you:
It’s also a nice exercise for your listening skills.
Here is a nice video I found for you:
It’s also a nice exercise for your listening skills.
Thankssss, although it was too quick and i didn’t really understand what each ingredient was, it was a good exercise.
:s modern harira … bullspit
here is the traditional way to make a great moroccan harira … and it is in english
[quote=Madridista]:s modern harira … bullspit
here is the traditional way to make a great moroccan harira … and it is in english ;)[/quote]
7chouma you say bullspit about nne3ma, food :no:.
[quote=Darija-Lover][quote=Madridista]:s modern harira … bullspit
here is the traditional way to make a great moroccan harira … and it is in english ;)[/quote]
7chouma you say bullspit about nne3ma, food :no:.[/quote]
my bullspit was about modern not about harira
You’re forgiven!
loooll thnx but say my harira is better
hahaha funny conversation above xD
Ouazzani proudly presents his little contribution to a better harira classic world:]ruina-f-kuzina (this is a moroccan kitchen’s amateur workshop, although is in catalan…)
ouazzani im not offendin … but harira made in the north of morocco sux :s i tasted it and that was d last time i do it
Kha kha kha… I’m not offended, I tried only once or two in Essaouira and Marrakech, so I can not tell you which is better… Anyway, I never tasted before coming to Morocco, so… What’s the criteria for a good harira? What could be the standard for the harira of all dreams?
un savio me ha dicho una vez : la mejor harira es la de tu madre loooollllll ouazzani i bet u say the same thing about el gaspacho made by ur mother
Are you on the photo ouazzani?
¿Gazpacho? :hs: hada andalusí, machi dial bladi… Hna kanaklu lHalluf bzzzzzzzzzef, w lkhmar… lubia bilHalluf, lHalluf jebli blkhmar, lkhobz blmatisha w lmleHa w lzit l3od…
But you are right; nobody makes it like my mother (except my grandmother). And yes, she also cooks gazpacho :okay:
No, it’s not me. This is a true policeman waking from a nap in his post of service, in Malabata’s manar. I could go to jail because of this picture :recherche: :fouet:
. I’m not moroccan, so I can not work in the police. I told you I was gawri? :^^:
hahhahaha so ur grandma is andaluza jajajajaj
Is it only Moroccans that are allowed to be cops?
Mad: No, she is not andaluza, but shee cooks gazpacho and everything ssssssluuuuuuuuuuurppppppppp! (It’s really easy to make gazpacho!)
LA: In fact, I don’t know. I supposed because in most of the world countries, to be engaged in public function or administration (funcionarios), you need the nationality first. And in Morocco it’s very hard to get the nationallity. Before 2005/6 (don’t remember) it was imposible. Now they changed some laws, but it’s yet hard. Those who are residents but not nationalisated don’t work in public administration in Spain. Do they in your country?
u cant be cop in morocco if ur not moroccan
only moroccans are allowed to beat moroccans wuahahahahah
Jaaaaaaaaaaaa kha kha kha kha kha Waaaaaaaaaakhaaaaaaaakhakhakha… !!!
I will keep you a little place in jail. Do you like cocroaches pil-pil or fritura?
LOL I would have wanted to whip some Moro a** if i was a cop, not fair