somebody can tell me what means this: cha hab ygol hadik
ygol : he says
:huh: but "cha hab " i dont know waht it means
Look, a Moroccan friend has translated it to me as: “what’s this girl wanna say”;
“cha” is said by some echar9 of morocco, means (what)/ hab= want/ ygol =says/ hadik= that girl
pfff i never heard “cha”, is the first time… . other word new en mi dictionary
if it was what does she wanna say it would have 2 be tgoul not ygoul yakom?
There is no way for us to know how we should exactly write Moroccan Arabic, which is way too informal, with Latin letters as for this language / dialect is based almost entirtely on Arabic. Therefore, everyone uses different vowels and consonants to refer to exactly the same thing with a little bit of change. So, for instance, sha, cha, ash, ach, chono, chno, shono, shno, shni, chni do all mean “what”. The reason why one would choose “chono” than “chno” is a regional one. For the people living in the North of Morocco use “Chono” rather than “Chno”. The reason one would choose “shono” than “chono” has to do with the education and the speaker’s second language. In the case of someone whose second language is English, he or she knows that the sound “ch” sounds like /tch/, so he or she uses “sh” instead. That’s why you may have seen that in English, they write “insha’alla” while in French it is written “incha’allah”.
Concerning “cha hab ygol hadik”, as I have already said everyone is using the variety that suits them “cha, sha , chono … etc”. The question remains though is this sentence concerns a he or a she? The vowel being used in “hadik” makes things quite ambiguous. The vowel “i” is a long vowel and used with the word “hadik” to make clear that the addressee is a she. While when one wants to refer to a he, he or she uses “e” instead or “a”, forms are “hadek” and “hadak”. Yet, you are supposed to know your original addressee, so this is no problem for you.
This sentence, although ambiguous to us at least, means “what is he / she is trying to say”, “what does he / she want to say”
Hope this was helpful
The sentence seems indeed to be ill-constructed. The first part seems to refer to a masculine (hab and ygol), while the second is feminine (hadik).
All in all, it means something like Zakeras and other friendly members explained: what did the person want to say?