Help... Translation

Hello there,

I need help translating a text. I know that its bad and that there are bad words in it (you dont need to translate the nasty words). Its very important to me.

Thank you dear people so much!

Ghadi msafar 3la tabon ibno tabona
Nta howa li ghadi dir tour around the world 3la 9bal taboon

Nta li 3ayexh

Bouch3ayb lbanay
Résaeau mazal mkharbek

Asahbe terma wa3ra
Wayah tarma mazyan


A: Safe raha bayna ma b9etech msa7eb
B: Hada ana gbila fi bar
A: Derte tswera profil dial insta. Ana howa hada daba f tren whllah. N3ast.
B: Wayah rani na3asi ghi bohdi o hia bohadha
A: Chkon mnkoum na3ess m3a l9tot
B: m3a tabwi9a. Hia
A: Hiya m3a kuki
B: Mohim hta n3awd lik
A: ou nta gl bit. Safe daba t3awedle. Ana kont baghe n3ass m3a Katherine

Mazyana. Mdbra 3la khizo

A: Chwia machi bazaff
B: Chweya ou bsraka
A: Mais hia nice girl
B: Ofc m9awda. Terma 3andha
A: Oui hta charm mazyana

Wa inni mskhot
Attack kolchi

Ewaa a 3chiri
Sbah nour
Sbah ikher zin
Cbaht mdir chwia. Drabni lbard
Yak?Ewa khoya thala frassek. Chrob ima skhon

Nta hadak li fi photo
Y3tek saha. Howa ana yes

Khas gha ana o nta
S7abatha zwenen wlaah. 79ach ma 3arfekxh wach bo7dk ou la m3a sa7btek

i will travel on %#$.? son of %#$.?

is you that you will travel around the world for %#$.?

you are fawning

Bouch3ayb craft construction

my network is very still not understood

those how have a nice a$$ :sweat_smile:

i see him

A: OK is clear, he don’t team with -or not be friend with-

B: that me a while in disco

A: i post a picture of profile in my Instagram, that is me on the train. sleeping

B: Yes, my sleeping is alone and she is alone

A: how are sleeping with cats?

B: that is carzy sence “because they get the fact of Marigowana”

A: She is with KuKi

B: OK, i will I will tell you

A: you got a crazy, OK you will tell me. i want to sleep with Katherine

Nice she is got a dildo but “khizo mean a carote :man_facepalming:t4: :laughing: i’m not responsible if you know the meaning :eggplant:

A: Little bit not so much

B: Little bit and frankly

A: but she’s a nice girl

B: Oh Fck!! realy top, and her a$$ woow*

A: Yes also seduction is nice


he is crazy

he attack all

and you my friend?

good morning

good morning, beauty
same meaning, Good morning = "Sbah ikher -or ilkher- " = “Sbah -or Sba7- nour”

i got this morning not good, i got cold

yeah? you should take care of your self, and drink hot water

are you the person in the picture?

you are brilliant, Yes it’s me

you need me and you

her friends are gentel, because he didn’t know you if you are alone or with your girlfriend

I need something translated also

Hhhh 19ito fl bar hda dar

Kaynin ana wyah wmehdi


Ba9i m3etline?

Dakchi bin yedik

Matsiftich chi message akher kaychof telephone



Aji be3da nt3chaw odik sa3at 3ad nheto I gâteau



Frechtiha 3eyti lih