Help needed in translating

Assalamu alaikum, SimplyMoroccan

Kif halek? Labas 'lik?

Firstly, it’s been such a long time since i dropped by! I’m finally coming to Morocco :slight_smile:

Need help in translating to Darija, “Can I have two tickets to (city name). Can I see the bus/train schedule”?


Wa 3alaykom ssalam, Heryanti. It’s good to see you back. Ki dayra ntiyya? Kolshi bikhir?
So it’s for next month? Did you decide where to study Darija yet?

3tini 3afâk jôj dyal les tickets/les billets l Mrraksh = Give me please two tickets to Marrakech.
Or we say: “Bghît nqtt3 jôj blâys l mrraksh” = I want to have two places to Marrakech.

Nqdr nshôf ttwqît dyâl lkâr/ttrân?
Actually, they are generally announced somewhere you just have to look around.

Have a nice trip :).


Choukran for the help in translation :slight_smile: My sis and me will be arriving Maroc this saturday, InchaAllah…we decided not to take up studying darija, but we’ll travel for 2 weeks in morocco. Looking forward to it :slight_smile:


Yay, it’s tomorrow :). I hope that you’re having a nice trip, and come back to tell us how it goes.

Salam, I’m back from my trip… and I’m very sad and missing Morocco so much…

I was in Casablanca-Essaouira-Agadir-Marrakech-Ouarzazate-Zagora-Merzouga-Tinerhir-Marrakech-Casablanca

It was the most unforgettable trip for me and sis.

Azhibatna al-mgreb :slight_smile:

Ah, 3jbkom lmghrib bzzaf you say. I am glad :). I was sure you’ll like the trip, since you were already under the charm of Morocco from your first visit.
Yay, I didn’t know you were coming to my city. Which one did you like most? Will you tell us about your trip here or you’re planning to post about it on your blog?

[quote=SimplyMoroccan]Ah, 3jbkom lmghrib bzzaf you say. I am glad :). I was sure you’ll like the trip, since you were already under the charm of Morocco from your first visit.
Yay, I didn’t know you were coming to my city. Which one did you like most? Will you tell us about your trip here or you’re planning to post about it on your blog?[/quote]
Salam aleikum

The city my sis and me unanimously agreed that we love most has got to be…windy Essaouira. Its so charming. I love it so much, it was so sad to leave after being there for 3 days only…

I’m now trying to start posting some entries on my blog … did some uploading in and also some blog entries while i was in maroc. Its really so difficult for me to start blogging cos’ i’m such a procrastinator … hehe… hope i will start soon!


Essaouira is a nice city that I didn’t get to really visit yet. I visited quickly your multiply page, and saw what you wrote about Agadir :D. It’s not usually that hot, you just happened to come at a hot time. Agadir has usually a very nice weather, and that goes will with the beach. In the summer when it’s suffocating in Marrakech, it still stays nice in Agadir. Hopefully next time you come to Morocco you’ll enjoy it better.
Feel free to show us some photos here too if you want :).

Did you get to use Darija? Did you ask for bus tickets in Darija? :smiley:

[quote=SimplyMoroccan]Essaouira is a nice city that I didn’t get to really visit yet. I visited quickly your multiply page, and saw what you wrote about Agadir :D. It’s not usually that hot, you just happened to come at a hot time. Agadir has usually a very nice weather, and that goes will with the beach. In the summer when it’s suffocating in Marrakech, it still stays nice in Agadir. Hopefully next time you come to Morocco you’ll enjoy it better.
Feel free to show us some photos here too if you want :).

Did you get to use Darija? Did you ask for bus tickets in Darija? :D[/quote]

InshaAllah…I hope I can visit Morocco again :slight_smile: Actually I miss it a lot already… I have uploaded some photos of Agadir in my multiply.

Yes, lhamdulillah, I used some darija :slight_smile: All that I could remember, I used them (also with help from my LP Moroccan arabic phrasebook) and I learnt some new words too…e.g. mshisha (cat) :okay:

Not only did I use darija to ask for bus tickets, I used darija in Marrakech too i.e. when I wanted to buy train tickets to Casablanca. I’m so glad to be able to use darija…importantly, at least i am understood :stuck_out_tongue: hehe

Beslama :ok:

salam aleikôm

did almost the same trip fi ch-hr oktobr elli fât, with hbba wo châb dialna - it was great - Myself, loved mostly Merzouga and Darlbieda (correct ?) - In Merzouga, hbba falled in love with her female camel she called “Aramis”, kîf môshna

Simply please, could you explain me " Ki dayra ntiyya? " - No problem with “ki dayra”, but what about “ntiyya” ? I hear “nti” (pron. pers.) but what is that “yya” fi lnihayat’ lkelma ?

chkran bzzf

Wa 3alaykom assalâm.

What’s that?

Yes. Casablanca = Casa Blanca = White House :^^: = Ddâr lbîDa, made light by saying: ddâr-bîDa.

Check out the personal pronouns in Darija. So ntî and ntiyyâ are the same.
If you wonder why I have it at the end of the sentence, then it’s like saying in French “et comment ça va, toi!”.

What happened to vowels? :^^: There are some vowels we can’t get rid of, at all! Among them those of shokran bzzâf :^^:.

how is the weather around november in morocco

It depends on the city. But it’s not too cold yet around November, I guess. Somebody confirm or correct me please.