Help me!

What does this mean =D

Shar lil?
sqoetloe qalb?
saknoet el Qalb
Kindier nsam7ek, lyoem derti sa7bek, oeh ma fkartish fiya!
geliti nwalfek, ana manish dalmek 3lash d7akti 3lia
ta7t soem
sa7tek agayi
Zjit moraya
kliet la3shaya
zit raghbini, bghitit ah dinni
toema gada3a ntoema
Baba sifini , ghir gatini
Roesh hbil / roezj hbil ?
Ash hed shi li sra
Ash hed shi li zjra
Chkarti Ga3 Khwate
Thanks !


Shar lil? = stay awake the night
sqoetloe qalb? = the heart stops
saknoet el Qalb = living inside the heart
Kindier nsam7ek, lyoem derti sa7bek, oeh ma fkartish fiya! = how can i forgive you, you’ve got a friend & forgotten about me.
geliti nwalfek, ana manish dalmek 3lash d7akti 3lia = you said i’ll get along with you, i didn’t oppress you, you betrayed me.
ta7t soem = ?
sa7tek agayi = ?
Zjit moraya = ?
kliet la3shaya = i ate my dinner
Mazjrali = what happened to me
zit raghbini, bghitit ah dinni = u came to beg me, ?
toema gada3a ntoema
Baba sifini , ghir gatini
Roesh hbil / roezj hbil ?
Ash hed shi li sra = what is it that’s happening
Ash hed shi li zjra = the same
Chkarti Ga3 Khwate = my bag got empty

I really couldn’t figure out some of those lines, try to check the spelling, or hear them well…