you mean a lot for me!!!
I would never do anything to hurt your feelings
please dont ever lie to me
please dont cheat on me
always remember that you can count on me
I want to be with you forever
im always thinking about you
I miss you a lot
I need you
I wish you were here with me
no matter the distance I’ll always love you
Hi Carito, let me translate some of these for you. I am not sure you’ll be able to read them though.
I would never do anything to hurt your feelings = Ma 3mmrnî mâ ghâdî ndîr shî 7âja lli ghâdî tjr7 lmashâ3ir dyâlk.
please dont ever lie to me = 3afâk mâ 3mmrk tkdb 3liyyâ.
please dont cheat on me = 3afâk mâ 3mmrk tkhônnî.
always remember that you can count on me = Mâ tnsâsh bi2annak tqdr t3tamd 3liyyâ dâyman.
I want to be with you forever = Bghît nkôn m3âk lel2abad.
im always thinking about you= Kanfkkr fîk dîmâ.
I miss you a lot = Tw77shtk bzzâf.
I need you = Anâ m7tâja lîk.
I wish you were here with me = Kantmnnâ kôn kntî m3âyâ hnâ.
no matter the distance I’ll always love you = Wâkhâ kâyna bînâtnâ masâfa Twîla, ghâdi dîmâ nbghîk. [Although there is a long distance between us, I will always lover you].
Done :).
thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!:^^:
how do you say I love u to a man in moroccan??? my boyfriend always laugh whe i say ana ohiboki is this right!!!
can you translate this for me please I need a notarized Letter of Invitation saying that I’m going to be there only for 2 weeks visit.
Oh, I didn’t see this before!
No, ana ohiboki is not right, it’s a sentence that is addressed to a woman! Besides, it’s formulated in Modern Standard Arabic, and not in Darija. The correct one is: Anâ kanbghîk.
Translate what? This sentence you said?
I hope I got it right.
Ana m7tâja lda3wa (invitation) tkôn légalisée llî tgol fîhâ bi2annanî jâyya ghîr jôj sîmânât.
You’re telling your friend that you need this paper from him for your visa, right?
yes, cause i didn’t know i needed a visa to go there so now i need a letter from him so i can get my visa.
can u translate this for me please??
hay . nta wa3er bzaaaaaaaaaf!!
hiii carito! i don’t really speak darija, but i’ve picked up a few words.
here’s what i think:
anta (=nta) means “you are” (male)
bzaf means something like very much or alot or so much…
wa3er means something like “dangerous” in darija…but in modern standard arabic it means something more like “mud” or “something difficult” (to walk in)
so it sounds like “you are verrrry dangerous!”
or, possibly, “you are soooo difficult!”
but you should wait to hear from someone who actually speaks darija and knows what they’re talking about, though!
thank you for your help Magnolia!!! very nice of you…
Well done Magnolia, I wonder how you picked up Darija :).
Your explanations and translation are correct, but the adjective wâ3r (long a) means cool too. So when you say that a person, or a dress is wâ3r then it’s cool., and when you say an exercise is wâ3r, then it’s difficult.
Anyways, Carito’s sentence here means “you are so cool”.
[quote=SimplyMoroccan]Hi Carito, let me translate some of these for you. I am not sure you’ll be able to read them though.
I would never do anything to hurt your feelings = Ma 3mmrnî mâ ghâdî ndîr shî 7âja lli ghâdî tjr7 lmashâ3ir dyâlk.
please dont ever lie to me = 3afâk mâ 3mmrk tkdb 3liyyâ.
please dont cheat on me = 3afâk mâ 3mmrk tkhônnî.
always remember that you can count on me = Mâ tnsâsh bi2annak tqdr t3tamd 3liyyâ dâyman.
I want to be with you forever = Bghît nkôn m3âk lel2abad.
im always thinking about you= Kanfkkr fîk dîmâ.
I miss you a lot = Tw77shtk bzzâf.
I need you = Anâ m7tâja lîk.
I wish you were here with me = Kantmnnâ kôn kntî m3âyâ hnâ.
no matter the distance I’ll always love you = Wâkhâ kâyna bînâtnâ masâfa Twîla, ghâdi dîmâ nbghîk. [Although there is a long distance between us, I will always lover you].
Done :).[/quote]
Ist this to a men or to a women ?
to a man.
How to modify, so i can write it to a woman ?
Where i have to do the “a” or “i” ?