help me plz to translate a short e-mail


Could anyone help med translate the following text:

ash had lghiba ; yakma les examens ?
khalina nshofok ; rah twahasht lhadra m3ak (mdraba).

3tini ton Numero rah tblokat nmara dyali 9dima ou tmasho numero kolhom bani 3alik alaman bash ikon nhar taboz.

Shokran bzaaaf :slight_smile:


what’s this disappearance? exams right?
let us see you, i missed talking to u (mdraba?)

give me your phone number, block my old number and “tmasho’” all the numbers …(don’t know the rest)

Good job, LA. I don’t know what mdraba means either.

For the last sentence, here it is:
3tini ton Numero rah tblokat nmara dyali 9dima ou tmasho numero kolhom bani 3alik alaman bash ikon nhar taboz.
Give me your number. My old number (sim card) was blocked, and I lost all stored phone numbers. Let us see you, for it to be a special day.

  • Bani 3alik alaman literally means: Appear, and I guarantee you safety. Said in old stories to the Jinn that comes out of Aladin’s lamp.
  • Bash ikon nhar taboz literally means: for the day to be fat. Normally the expression is: “nhar kbir hada” = this is a big day, said as a welcoming expression to tell your guests that your day has become special thanks to their visit. People jokingly use tabouz or tabouzi (fat) in order to emphasize on how big the day has become.

mdraba??? is that even a word? prolly he/she meant mdarba (fight) … it’s funny to email an american in moroccan :confused:

hhhhh these “americans” aren’t the ones who receive the emails/messages, they spy on their moroccan friends who get them :stuck_out_tongue: