help in translation...

Hello… I need some help translating two messages that I received. Could you help me please? Thanks in advance for your co-operation! I’m sorry but I only can understand a 10% of that they say…

wakha aynagh ad skarn mdan ortghiyt aditinit layhanikm walakin machi mochkil hat digh adass inigh aydagh okan amzghakd nmranss ok mihad t3ajbak adnsahbagh nkin safi machi mochkil ok jawbd ok

slt kidayr labas 3lik labass 3lik twahachtak wakha nsitini nta ok wliti makatsawal okat3raf tmayak mzyan tbark llah 3lik assi mohamed ola l9iti mahsan mna ok machi mochkil lah yis3idak ok by

sorry i can only translate the second message coz the other is in tamazight i think , not darija …

slt kidayr labas 3lik labass 3lik twahachtak wakha nsitini nta ok wliti makatsawal okat3raf tmayak mzyan tbark llah 3lik assi mohamed ola l9iti mahsan mna ok machi mochkil lah yis3idak ok by moi fati

hi h r u doin , i miss u even though u forgot about me , u dont ask about me (…) god bless u mohamed , did u find a girl better than me or what , no harm , may God makes u happy ok bye . Fati

Ps - i didnt translate this part “okat3raf tmayak mzyan” coz i dont get what she meant :s

It means you learned how to ignore me very well.

[quote=SALAMA]wakha aynagh ad skarn mdan ortghiyt aditinit layhanikm walakin machi mochkil hat digh adass inigh ihanan aydagh okan amzghakd nmranss ok mihad t3ajbak adnsahbagh nkin safi machi mochkil ok jawbd ok
I’ll try to translate this message… Although I don’t think that YOU received them :stuck_out_tongue:

So that’s how people do now? You didn’t even say goodbye* to me, but that’s okay. I’ll go ask for Hanan’s number, since you like her. I thought that it was over. No problem, okay, hit me back.

  • saying bye before travelling.

That’s a wild guess, I don’t speak the same dialect, and some parts are not clear at all.

It means you learned how to ignore me very well.[/quote]


Thank you very much for your help. Yes… I received these messages. THE PROBLEM is that I guess I didn’t have to receive them…