Ssalamu 3alaykom! I’m a linguistics student doing research on Moroccan Arabic, and I need some native speakers to help check some of my work. I’m preparing an experiment where I will have Moroccan speakers read these sentences. Please tell me if any of them are incorrect, and how to correct them. Some of them are a little silly, but that’s ok. I just care about if you could say them in darija. I also want to know how you would prefer to write them, using the Roman alphabet. Please tell me if there is a better way to write some words so that they are easier to recognize. Chukran bzzaf bzzaf!
- lweld jab l3oud
‘the boy brought the lute’ - rrajl lkbir jab lmous jjdid f lbazar
‘the old man brought the new knife in the bazaar’ - rrajl ssghir jab l3oud
‘the young man brought the lute’ - lweld jab lmous lqdim
‘the boy brought the old knife’ - lgzzar dreb zzerbiya
‘the butcher hit the rug’ - nnjjar lmaghrebi dreb rrwida lkbira f zzenqa
‘the Moroccan carpenter hit the big wheel in the street’ - nnjjar lmasri dreb zzerbiya
‘the Egyptian carpenter hit the rug’ - lgzzar dreb rrwida ssghira
‘the butcher hit the little wheel’ - lmohendis wzen lbaliza
‘the engineer weighed the suitcase’ - lmotarjim lghlid wzen lmakina lghalia f lmatar
‘the fat translator weighed the expensive machine in the airport’ - lmotarjim rrqiq wzen lbaliza
‘the thin translator weighed the suitcase’ - lmohendis wzen lmakina rrkhisa
‘the engineer weighed the cheap machine’ - jjmel 3awn ddib
‘the camel helped the wolf’ - lbghel ddaki 3awn lfil rrmadi f jjerda
‘the smart mule helped the gray elephant in the garden’ - lbghel lmkllkh 3awn ddib
‘the stupid mule helped the wolf’ - jjmel 3awn lfil zreq
‘the camel helped the blue elephant’ - l3awd jber ddrraja
‘the horse found the bicycle’ - lkelb lbyad jber jjarida lfaziga f lwad
‘the white dog found the wet newspaper in the river bed’ - lkelb lqehwi jber ddrraja
‘the brown dog found the bicycle’ - l3awd jber jjarida nnachifa
‘the horses found the dry newspaper’ - l2amir 3rd lmo3llem
‘the prince invited the teacher’ - l3amid lmqllaq 3rd lmoghnni zz3er f l mihrajan
‘the worried dean invited the blond singer at the festival’ - l3amid lfr7an 3rd lmo3llem
‘the happy dean invited the teacher’ - l2amir 3rd lmoghnni ssmer
‘the prince invited the dark-skinned singer’ (not sure how to translate smer appropriately in English - swarthy??) - ttbiba wjjedat lloz
‘the doctor prepared the almonds’ - ttaliba lghaniya wjjedat rroz lldid f l2ardiya
‘the rich student prepared the delicious rice in the first floor’ - ttaliba lmskina wjjedat lloz
‘the poor student prepared the almonds’ - ttbiba wjjedat rroz lmsous
‘the doctor prepared the bland rice’ - jjaara ba3t lbanan
‘the neighbor sold the bananas’ - jjedda ttwila ba3t ddnjan ttayib f lmat3am
‘the tall grandmother sold the cooked aubergine in the restaurant’ - jjedda lqsira ba3t lbanan
‘the short grandmother sold the bananas’ - jjaara ba3t ddnjan lkhder
‘the neighbor sold the raw aubergine’ - sserbay hezz lmagana
‘the server lifted the clock’ - lbombi jjamil hezz lmraya ttqila f l3imara
‘the handsome fireman lifted the heavy mirror in the building’ - lbombi lkhayb hezz lmagana
‘the ugly firefighter lifted the clock’ - sserbay hezz lmraya lkhfifa
‘the server lifted the light mirror’ - nnemla 3ammarat lmqraj
‘the ant filled the kettle’ - ddjaja lbeldiya 3ammarat lbrrad lkhawi f ddar
‘the country chicken filled the empty teapot in the house’ - ddjaja rrumiya 3ammarat lmqraj
‘the european chicken filled the kettle’ (not sure how to translate rumi versus beldi - beldi ones are brown and from the country side, and rumi ones are white and more like the kind you’d get from industrial farms, is that right?) - nnemla 3ammarat lbrrad l3amr
‘the ant filled the full teapot’ (I know it doesn’t make sense to fill a teapot that’s already full, but that’s ok as long as the grammar is correct)
- Sara