
Hi im new here but i hope somebody can help me with these words…

just some simple words…Pleassssssssseeeee…:blink:

5.comeback with me…

mr7ba bik ayah ! :welcome:

  1. n3s
  2. 3tla
  3. nsa
  4. rja3 m3aya
  5. amal

but i’m not sure about some… :slight_smile:

:okay: :^^: thanks…

[quote=Hiba]mr7ba bik ayah ! :welcome:

  1. n3s
  2. 3tla
  3. nsa
  4. rja3 m3aya
  5. amal

but i’m not sure about some… :)[/quote]
n3s and nsa mean he slept or he forgot and also to sleep and to forget, you still have to conjugate that.

I think it’s better to write it 3utla.

Let me use Hiba’s answers here:

  1. n3s = to sleep. N3âs = sleeping.
  2. 3utla (Like Nuwwara said)
  3. Leaving --> Ayah, can you give an example here? It depends on the sentence, because basically what you’ll have is the verb “to leave” conjugated.
  4. nsa --> The imperative form, if that’s what you asked for, conjugated for a M.S. It’s also the infinitive, and past tense for “he forgot”.
  5. rja3 m3aya
  6. amal

The number 4, i think it’s moghadara

Yes, but that’s too MSA. If she meant it like in “Leaving”, as in “I am leaving”, then using moghadara here wouldn’t be that accurate.