Have you ever...?

Oh no, never!
Stupid quarrels when very very young do not count, right? As a mature person, I had never done such a hideous thing.

Have you ever vomited in public?

No inchallah I won’t ever .

Have you ever cried in public (not when you were young)?


Have you ever riding a boat ??

Never (:, but I would love to.

Have you ever killed an animal without meaning it? (Like in a car or bike accident).

yes i have, I killed an squirrel I felt so bad I didn’t mean to do it

have u ever try peanut butter and jelly sandwich?


Have you ever drown? :hap:

yes the first time mom saved me and the other 2nd time my swimming coach 3rd time our neighbor :lol:

have you ever had a fight with someone ?

yes, in the neighborhood where I live people are always looking for trouble. I really need to move :blink:

Have you ever seen a real rocket launch ?

have you ever broken something that was really expensive ?

yes, when i was young. i’ve broken our TV …for several times :unsure: :unsure:…and my father was really really annoyed :mad:

:blush: :cry:

have you ever eaten bugs (i mean cooked ones)?

need some recipes?:

:^^: http://digilander.libero.it/unno2/navighiamo/cuisine.html :smiley: :smiley:

well when i was three years old I used to eat egg roaches and worms but they were uncooked hahahaha! I know guys is nasty I still can’t believe it… But i dont do that anymore I promise hahahahahahha :^^:
that’s what my mom told me a few days ago that we were talking about my daughter.

Now I dont remember if they taste good or not hahahaha:^^: :huh:I guess not

have you ever ate mango?

yummy! i like mangos very much! i prefer mango than bugs! hahahaha!:hap:

have you ever seen an UFO?

hahahahaha yeah me too!!!



Have you ever flied by helicopter?

No, but it must be a very interesting experience! :slight_smile:

Have you ever been overwhelmed by news so as to mourn about it?

Yes many times :frowning:

Have you ever lost your wallet OMG I have 2 days ago for the first time but alhamdulillah I found it yesterday I hope this never happens again :frowning:

No not yet!

Have you ever made a pot out of clay?

Have u ever skipped class?

Of course :mdr:. Otherwise, your student’ life would be really suspense-free.

Have you ever broken your fast forgetfully, by mistake?

No, but in fact I’ve never fasted… :hm:

Have you ever forgotten your child at the service station after having filled up of your car…?
(I know it’s a stupid question but I lack inspiration… :D)