
anyone know how to make this soup in the easiest way… i’ve seen heaps of recipes on the net but i want a simple method to make it… chukran in advance :wink:


Monpaysmaroc are you still need the ingredients to make harira?

kind of :smiley:

Ok here Is my ingredients of Harira

1 pound cubed lamb meat
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 1/2 teaspoons ground black pepper
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
2 tablesponns margarine
3/4 cup chopped celery
1 onion, chopped
1 can diced tomatoes
3/4 cup lentils
1 can garbanzo beans
4 ounces vermicelli pasta
little bite of salt
1 egg
Half liter of water
1 cup of flour


First: place the lamb, lentils, onion, tomatoes, celery, margarine, ginger, cinnamon, black pepper, beans, salt, mix everything, add them 9 cups of water, cover than simmer for 35 minutes

Second: Whisk the flou,r and 1 cup of water until smooth, and add the mixture to the soup. raise the heat to high and when the soup has just begun to boil, add pasta

Third: whisk egg, and briskly stir the mixture into the soup, than covered for an additional 10 minutes

Besaha w raha :ok:

awwww ur so sweet, thanks a lot :smiley: will be noting down ur recipe to make in the future :wink: cough

Your welcome
when you make it, don’t forget us :^^:

heheh pas de probleme :wink:

Pourquoi l’appelle-t-on quelque part au nord du pays : Lahrira l7amda ???

C’est une question ou une devinette pour laquelle vous avez déjà la réponse?
En tout cas je crois que c’est parce qu’elle contient des tomates, ou le concentré de tomates, ce qui lui donne le goût un peu… 7amD. Contrairement à une 7rira sans tomates, autrement appelée 7sowwa (dyâl ddshîsha ou autre), qui a quant à elle un goût “neutre”.

Oui, la bonne 7rira avec entre autres: poichiches, lentilles, céleri, riz ou vermicelle, coriandre, persil, …
et mélangée avec de la farine.

when i can cook i will definitely be coming back here :hap:
in fact, my mum is going to hajj this year inchallah, so without her there, i will go crazy in the kitchen :smiley: