Here is my shortcut recipe for Hareera…it’s well liked here at home:)
Below is an easy but very good recipe for hareera…when I don’t have a lot of time I use it…however, you can use fresh peeled and seeded tomatos and fresh chickpeas that have been soaked and peeled:)
Hareera soup:
Parsley (2 kinds ½ cup each, chopped fine)
Lentils (1/3 cup not soaked)
Hummus (1 cup canned)
Pasta (1/3 cup)
Rice (1/3 cup)
Onion (2 chopped fine, I put them in the food processer)
Celery (2 to 3 stocks chopped fine, I put them in the food processer)
Meat (bones and meat)
Natural cheese (1 tablespoon) *this is a cheese that we bring back from Morocco, you may not be able to find it, but you can leave it out and the soup is still fine.
Paprika (2 tablespoon)
Ground ginger (1 tablespoon)
Salt (2 teaspoon)
Pepper (1 teaspoon)
Oil (2 tablespoons)
Flour (2 tablespoons)
1 egg
1 large can crushed tomato
Cook oil, onions and celery for 10 min, then add meat,
cook until Meat is lightly brown and add spices and cheese,
Cook for 5 more minutes and then fill pot ¾ full with water,
and throw in lentils. Bring to a boil then lower heat and simmer
for 3 hours. -
Dissolve flour in a large cup of water then add to soup base,
Stirring continuality. Next add ¾ large can of crushed tomatoes,
Stir very well for 3 to 4 minutes, then add parsley, pasta and rice.
Stir well and bring to a boil, lower heat and simmer for 3omin,
Stirring often. The soup should have a small amount of thickness, but if it seems to thick, add a class of water. -
Add chickpeas and lightly beaten egg, stirring well while adding egg.
Serve with dates.