This is not specifically about Darija, but about gestures used or understood in Morocco. I though about when I saw this :na: fella. Also the thumbsup one seems quite widely understood around the world. But for example the way people (well, no, not people in general but men) hitch-hiked in Morocco was completely new to me, and it took a while to figure out - I thought they were pointing at something to warn us about it! (I don’t know, this may be common in other parts of the world as well, I’m just unaware of it. The hitch-hiking technique I’m familiar with is pointing your thumb along the road :))
Are there more specifically Moroccan or North African gestures you’re aware of?
That’s wat they do here, what’s the strange thing you noticed about it ?
That’s wat they do here, what’s the strange thing you noticed about it ?[/quote]
Hmm, all the people I saw hitch-hike (or picked up) used their index finger - not the thumb - and pointed across the road. It was strange because simply because it was unfamiliar and I didn’t quite get it at first 
ok i see, you probably use the thumb to show the driver that you need a ride to the same direction he’s going.
That’s what they do here to stop a taxi.
& the others who use the index finger, its normal, they just want to stop & car/taxi.
You should see the body language they use nowadays in Casablanca to stop a taxi, specifically the white (big) taxi.
For example, if they’re going to a place called “sa7a” (the court), they move the index finger in a round way (like drawing a circle), & if they’re going to Hammam (a famous Hammam that a neighbourhood is known with) they put the right hand under the left arm & act like they’re washing 
[quote=Paperbird]ok i see, you probably use the thumb to show the driver that you need a ride to the same direction he’s going.
That’s what they do here to stop a taxi.
& the others who use the index finger, its normal, they just want to stop & car/taxi.
You should see the body language they use nowadays in Casablanca to stop a taxi, specifically the white (big) taxi.
For example, if they’re going to a place called “sa7a” (the court), they move the index finger in a round way (like drawing a circle), & if they’re going to Hammam (a famous Hammam that a neighbourhood is known with) they put the right hand under the left arm & act like they’re washing
Ha ha, I don’t know what’s funnier, the story or the way you and this fella
laugh at it

a thing that i liked,i like and i adopted too it’s the “hand on the heart” when a moroccan man shakes your hand,but i noticed only some people does it. and i also liked(but saw it just once) when a young man shook the hand with an older one,the first kissed his ring(a family gift) but i still wonder why i saw it just once… :hm:
Because it doesn’t exist, we kiss hands, not rings, that one time you saw must have something special, an exeption of some kind, something between them !! 
@jonquix: maybe you saw them pointing for how many seats they wanted…1 seat with the index finger…if there was 2 or 3 people travelling together you can hold up that many fingers, so the driver can make a decision (does he have room) without stopping the car…very efficient
Wow, that could be, it never even occurred to me! But then they were all just wanting one seat :unsure:. Often there were many men hitch-hiking at the same time, like when going through villages with very little traffic. Thanks for pointing this out :okay: