what do these words mean…?
chukran d’avance adrari
what do these words mean…?
chukran d’avance adrari
gerbooza is an insult i think but i dont know what does it mean
mastoora : this is not darija ; maybe egyptian or fus7a but we dont use it in darija
ok maybe the others will be able to tell me
Gerbooz/za : berber / shl7 , but it’s used as an insult, as far as i know, grbooz is either an ignorant person, or someone who likes to just collect money without spending it <— & they’re both unfortunately used to refer to shloo7 !
Mastoora : it sounds fos7a ! & it means covered, hidden, secretly
thanks PaperBird
you’re like a walking dictionary machaAllah 3lik!