Atay- tea
next : Y
Atay- tea
next : Y
iSer left/ links
next: r
r3yf - “pancake bread” I call it in English ( ldid = delicious !)
the next letter = l7rf jjay ??:unsure: - f
f-flus ??? - money, argent, Geld;
next: s
simana week/semaine/ Woche
next: n
Namouss - Mosquito !
NExt- S
sarut key/clé/Schlüssel
next: t
trjm = to translate / traduire
next : m
meschTa comb/Kamm
next: T
You should start with A word
[quote=SimplyMoroccan]The idea is to diversify for the letters. The A I mentioned is actually ta marbuta in writing. (Confusing?)
Since a lot of words suggested here are feminine, we’ll end up suggesting words starting with T/A all the time. See?[/quote]
No, we drop always the Ta marbuta.
[quote=nuwwara][quote=SimplyMoroccan]The idea is to diversify for the letters. The A I mentioned is actually ta marbuta in writing. (Confusing?)
Since a lot of words suggested here are feminine, we’ll end up suggesting words starting with T/A all the time. See?[/quote]
No, we drop always the Ta marbuta.[/quote]
ok thank you
back to the word game
Tofaha = Apple
Next = H
7anut shop, store/Laden
next: t
Timsah= Crocodile
hiyya she/elle/sie
Next: y/i
yak - emphatic interrogative particle, similar to English ’ question tags ’
next - k
kilu kg
next: w/u
wqf = stop
next : f
flus money/Geld
next: s
sraq ??? = thief
next : q / ?