fruits and vegetables

I’m working with the Peace Corps textbook on Darija names for fruits and vegetables and am having trouble with a few – can anyone help?

  1. What’s the difference between ??? (slawi) and ??? (gr’a)? Both seem to kinds of gourds or squash.

  2. What is ??? (lft)? This is a root vegetable that seems to be a parsnip, although you can eat it raw. In fusha, it can also translate as “kale,” “rapeseed,” or “canola,” none of which seems right.

  3. What is ??? (hamd)? It seems to be a citrus fruit that is different from ??? (limon). Is it a lime?

  4. What is ??? (bo’wid)?

Separate question:

  1. I’d also welcome advice on a commonly-available font to use for typing Darija using Arabic characters. Microsoft’s standard Arabic font doesn’t have the “g.” I’ve tried the Farsi & Dari fonts, which have the “g” but not the shadda or the hamza-waw.

Many thanks in advance!

Too bad I know those fruits & vegetables but only in arabic I don’t know the name in english :frowning:

  1. What is ??? (hamd)? limon
    ??? is not limon in darija it means orange :smiley:
  2. What is ??? (bo’wid)? pear
  3. I genarally use this for arabic transcription

[q]1) What’s the difference between ??? (slawi) and ??? (gr’a)? Both seem to kinds of gourds or squash.
2) What is ??? (lft)? This is a root vegetable that seems to be a parsnip, although you can eat it raw. In fusha, it can also translate as “kale,” “rapeseed,” or “canola,” none of which seems right.

[large]1) They both are some kinds of gourds or squash. slawi is bottle gourd and gr’a is the normal squash/gourd I think. gr’a khdra is courgette/zucchini

  1. lft is turnip[/large]