I’m working with the Peace Corps textbook on Darija names for fruits and vegetables and am having trouble with a few – can anyone help?
What’s the difference between ??? (slawi) and ??? (gr’a)? Both seem to kinds of gourds or squash.
What is ??? (lft)? This is a root vegetable that seems to be a parsnip, although you can eat it raw. In fusha, it can also translate as “kale,” “rapeseed,” or “canola,” none of which seems right.
What is ??? (hamd)? It seems to be a citrus fruit that is different from ??? (limon). Is it a lime?
What is ??? (bo’wid)?
Separate question:
- I’d also welcome advice on a commonly-available font to use for typing Darija using Arabic characters. Microsoft’s standard Arabic font doesn’t have the “g.” I’ve tried the Farsi & Dari fonts, which have the “g” but not the shadda or the hamza-waw.
Many thanks in advance!