Hey friends - I have a series of short translation requests / questions for anyone with the time
First, what is the literal translation of “fin a zine”? Is it “where is my beautiful”? And is it sometimes used to mean “how is my beautiful”?
And does “zine diali” mean “my beautiful”?
Finally - how would I say the equivalent of both these phrases (fin a zine, zine diali) to a man? and does anyone have any recommendations for short endearments like that to give towards a man? nothing too extravagant hh, but sweet and a little romantic, or just very friendly.
[quote=“f1n08, post:1, topic:5831”]
“fin a zine”? Is it “where is my beautiful”?
[/quote] yes , it’s mean that, but “how is my beautiful?” mean “chekone zine diyali?”
[quote=“f1n08, post:1, topic:5831”]
And does “zine diali” mean “my beautiful”?
[/quote] Yes it does
Yeah make it simple, you like both meaning of [quote=“f1n08, post:1, topic:5831”]
(fin a zine, zine diali) [/quote] say “fin a bogosse?” and i can give you some sentense
to use it to man, like:
“fine a zewine?” , “kidayre a l bongosse?” , if friendly ? " fine a lferda diali?"
or “fine a l3alwa?”